My kids are younger, but I still think it would be very valuable – especially if you are new to CM. I also think it might be great to have your older children watch it with you, even though you don’t have as many years left with them as with moms that are just starting out, if you can give them the gift of knowing CM now and her methods I think it might be beneficial to them as they enter the workforce and have families of their own – I only WISH I would have known these methods the year that I substitute taught (long term) junior high students.
If you’re concerned about the cost you can always find some other moms who are interested in sharing the cost and host a small inhome DVD party. That’s what I did and I had a huge response from our city’s homeschool email loop – I think I had 10-12 women in my home and more that wanted to come, but weren’t available. I ordered manuals for all of them and then we split the cost of the DVDs, but I got to keep them! Well worth opening my home for!