Should I add in Simply Grammar?

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  • Rachel White

    This is what I’m thinking right now.

    My two, ages 10 and 11, will finish up Grammarland this year, while continuing in ILL.

    Next year, they will continue in ILL and also be using Meaningful Composiiton 4+ and maybe 4; we’ll see. MC has a little grammar-just nouns, pronouns, main subjects, verbs and describers-at the beginning, but that’s all in the grammar dept.

    In two/three years, in their 7th and 8th “grade” years, I will use Our Mother Tongue alongside Write with the Best.

    So, my question is, how about our using Simply Grammar during this interim period before OMT? I understand it’s a small book so it shouldn’t take more than a year. Using it during this time will not allow them to “get rusty” in this area and make OMT run more smoothly, I think.

    What do you think?




    Hi Rachel,

    Although I cannot comment on Simply Grammar (we do not have it), I personally think it is a good idea to include something in the interim years to prevent the rustiness you speak of. 

    Sorry, that’s not much help.

    Blessings, Gaeleen

    Rachel White

    Thanks, Gaeleen; that view is what is upmost in my mind, too, so your words are reinforcement.

    I had not been able to find anything that didn’t completely go against CM; I didn’t want to cause them to dislike the subject, they find it interesting-language in general and the use of it-so I wanted to keep that interest up. I came across SG as an option by accident and it was a duh moment; I didn’t know it was as thorough, specific and usable with the ages of my children. I would still only use it after the initial MC chapters and only 1x a week, so it’d last a while.

    Hi Rachel, I very recently happened to get my hands on “Simply Grammar, An Illustrated Primer”, by Karen Andreola, at a used book sale our local HS group was hosting. I think this is the only volume, so likely this is the one you are asking about (?)

    I haven’t started using it yet as my kids are all still young (I bought it for down the road and really just picked it up because it was so reasonably priced at our HS group sale…) but after seeing your post, I checked the introduction by Karen Andreola. She suggests the book can be used starting at around age 9, though she also mentions that it is usable as a reference book even up through high school for core, basic grammar.

    As I leaf through the pages, many of the lessons seem quite simple in the early part of the book. Very nice content, but not challenging. Hopefully it would serve your purpose – keeping them fresh on grammar skills — but you should know, the beginning appears to be truly entry level grammar. I’m sure by the mid-point of the book, you’d be fine. And the pace recommended is only once per week or so. With this, even if you used only half the book, it should do ok for filling in your gap period.

    Hope this helps a little!


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