Short Intro and trying to choose high school history

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  • pgfreeman

    Just wanted to say hello as I am new to this forum.  We have always homeschooled and both ds and dd will start high school next year.  We have always approached history with living books and I am looking to continue that approach.  We’ve used SOTW primarily, with supplementation from Times Traveler’s CDs and several successful months with TOG (interrupted due to unforseen circumstances).  We did not return to TOG last year once back home, but instead are finishing our trip through world history with SOTW. We will be ready to start back at Ancients next year.

    I would really like to choose one path and stay with it for all of high school, so I am researching all the options very carefully.  My biggest question would be if there is any way to condense the first three SimplyCM modules found here into one year.  I read where Sonya recommended the BF Ancients Guide if just starting SimplyCM in the 9th grade, but I’m not as drawn to it compared to TOG or History Revealed! by Diana Waring.

    I really love the GOAL study and the Discovering Doctrine books and would like both dc to complete the full study of the Bible with them.  I also like that it is scheduled out in the modules.

    I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this.  My biggest downfall can be overplanning and consequently not getting done nearly what we should.


    Pamela F. in VA


    I am interested to see what everyone has to say about this also. We are starting the history rotation over again with module 1 for 7th grade next year. This way we can finish the six year rotation by the end of 12th grade. I did struggle with my decision because there are also so many other good choices this year in new history resources. I know this post wasn’t much help, mainly I just wanted to say that I always come back to SCM especially for history.



    Sonya Shafer

    Pamela, the biggest challenge with condensing all three Ancient studies into one year would be focusing on the Bible history along with each ancient civilization. The modules are set up with that emphasis — thus, the six-year cycle. Technically, I think you could combine Modules 1-3, though it wouldn’t be my first recommendation. Here are some thoughts on how.

    Ancient Egypt is done 1 day/week

    Ancient Greece is done 1 day/week

    Ancient Rome is done 2 days/week

    Therefore, you could possibly cover all three civilizations by reading History 4 days/week. (I wouldn’t recommend skipping around between civilizations each week; I just list them there for math purposes.)

    The hard part will be including Bible history, because Bible is read 3 days/week in Module 1, 3 days/week in Module 2, and 2 days/week in Module 3 — which makes a total of 8 days/week. Hmm…… Plus, there would be the additional Bible studies for the 7-12 grade students. It seems that you would probably have to do Bible as a separate subject rather than corresponding to the time periods like the modules have it set up.

    Does that give you any ideas?


    Thanks Sonya for your detailed suggestions.  I will have to put it all on paper and really think about how/if it would work out for us.  I will probably have more questions as I mull this all over.

    In Christ,

    Pamela F.

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