Dh had the shingles in Sept of 2011! They were awful and painful! He basically had them on his scalp and down the neck. We like to do things naturally BUT we didn’t know what was going on. He went to the dermatologist and she knew immediately what they were! She kinda freaked out because she was afraid they would get into his eyes…very dangerous! So he got the meds orally and topically. It was so expensive, and we have insurance! Both meds ended up costing us $500 out of pocket! EEKS!
I searched for natural cures but really didn’t see any. The key is stress..that is what helps bring them out! First, he needs rest. And he needs meds if there is a chance for them to get in his eyes! Also, he is not contagious BUT whomever he comes in contact w/ over the next few days that has not had the chicken pox…guess what?? They will get it from him! About 2 wks later, my boys ended up w/ the chicken pox!!
Wishing him well! And maybe someone else can be of help!!
I had shingles twice stemming from an auto immune disorder. Stress is a BIG factor in bringing on shingles because it lowers the immune system so much. Shingles is a result of the immune system being down. It is related to chicken pox, just like 2flowerboys said, but even if you have had chicken pox you can still get shingles. I did not have them on my face or head, which can be extremely dangerous and has caused severe damage to people including blindness and brain damage (those were severe cases, though, and not as common). My natropath put me on lots of rest, fluids and immense amounts of immune building foods and supplements as well as a topical salve that helped contain the infection, soothe the pain and I think it was antibacterial as well. I can’t remember for sure. If they had been anywhere near my face or head, I would have been hospitalized. Take this seriously, see someone who knows what thy are doing, whether natural or conventional, stay away from kids and babies, drink plenty if clear fluids, lots of quality immune building foods and supplements and DO NOT WORK until it is over! Quiet, rest and relaxation are key. But make sure he sees someone properly qualified to treat this because it can spread and cause a lot of problems and scary things as well as compromising the immune system to a great extent. It can take a while to fully get over shingles in some cases.
A friend’s daughter has had recurring shingles, and they’ve found Thieves’s oil from Young Living Essential Oils to be very helpful. Hope he’s better soon!
We have used Tea Tree Oil and Coconut oil topically for a minor outbreak on the lower back. I also read at one time that pears have some properties that help with Shingles so my husband ate a lot of pears and it did seem to help. Agreeing with the above posters about seeing a Doc depending on severity and location. And also lots of fluid and antiviral type supplements.