Shiller Math?

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  • 2Corin57

    Has anyone used Shiller Math? What did you think of it?


    I’m seriously considering it. I’m discouraged by the lack of reviews or maybe the few number of families who seem to be using it.


    But I looked at it at a homeschool conference and was really impressed how easy it was to use. The length of the lessons seemed to fit with CM, but I’m curious if I’m missing something.


    I actually had an order in with them, and canceled it. What I liked about it:

    – How open and go it is, no planning necessary, it’s completely scripted and I love that it’s hands on/Montessori. I also like that it doesn’t follow a traditional scope and sequence, so you can adjust more to what your child needs, rather than do pages of work that they don’t.

    – Why I ended up canceling my order: I found some more reviews that said there wasn’t great retention, that the math is actually too advanced/abstract vs. what is developmentally appropriate (Shiller Math is actually not appreciated on true Montessori groups for this reason), and I read some reviews that there were errors/inconsistencies in the teaching guides. It’s also very expensive.

    What I am saving up for is Math on the Level. Much more flexible, no expensive manipulatives required, more freedom of scope/sequence, and while it is also expensive up front (though definitely less so than Shiller), it covers all 9 years of math (K-8), vs. only 3 years with Shiller, and is non-consumable, so it can be used with multiple children, whereas Shiller can’t (not without photocopying).


    I agree that Shiller Math is very expensive. And like you said, not many reviews or experiences with it online.
    I considered it for one reason- because it supposedly is multi-sensory. I thought maybe that was what my daughter needed to excel. But I couldn’t justify the cost, nor find it in my budget. And I had a hard time finding a set used.
    I went with Horizons, and purchased some manipulatives to go with the program. It has been just fine and it was a fraction of the cost.
    Have you tried googling “Shiller Math reviews”? I can’t remember if Cathy Duffy has reviewed it on her website or not, but you could check there too.


    I think the main draw for me as opposed to math on the level is the fact that the lessons are scripted. I know that math is supposed to be somewhat organic and easy and simple. But that’s just doesn’t seem to work with me for some reason. I suppose I’m not creative enough. Schiller is heavily discounted at the convention I’m at so I might go for it. I’m honestly worried that math on the level will seem like a good idea that I just can’t execute.


    You could always purchase the .pdf version of Shiller, too. It’s only $90 or $100. You can then just read the lesson off your computer/ipad (what have you) and print off work sheets when necessary, or even just let them look at them online and complete them orally.


    Very good point! I chickened out anyway 🙂 I went to the RightStart booth and now I’m more confused than ever 🙂 actually RS ends up more expensive to start (and continue. It might even out at 6th grade). Now I’m considering going simple (and cheap) for Kindergarten and trying out Making Math Meaningful for a year.


    I bought RightStart last year and it didn’t work out well for me (that was for my K and 1st graders).  This year I went simple – bought the Math Mammoth set and printed out workbooks.  Used manipulatives I have at home.  It just works so much better for me and for us.


    I am using Shiller math  with my middle kids (ages 11 and 8) and while it is expensive (even used )I cannot say enough good things about it, it is worth every penny I spent (I was able to pick up a complete kit one for 100 bucks locally). I have used a number of other math curricula oldest DS13 is completing Math Mammoth 7 and excelling but DS11 has struggled over the last 2 years and is finally thriving (in fact lack of retention was one of his main issues). I would be happy to answer any question you have! Other curricula I have used (with various children not all the same child) include Miquon, Hooked on Math, Beast Academy, Life of Fred, a vintage math text called First Lessons in Arithmetic iirc and Math Mammoth.


    What age did you start at Lorienvanness? Is Shiller something you can step into at a later grade?


    We just switched to it this year. I switched my 8-year-old and then 10-year-old back in October. There is a free placement test available on the website and it is recommended that you do all of (starting from the begging) which is really helpful because the test helps you see not only where to start but also shows you any gaps in knowledge your child may have and then tells you exactly which lessons to go back and do to fill them in.

    Interestingly, I got Shiller for my 10year old who was struggling but my 8 year old who was doing well with math mammoth was really interested and wanted to do the assessment too (I figured it couldn’t hurt) and too my surprise my 10year old had a better grasp on things than I thought and my 8-year-old who I considered to be doing very well had gaps that surprised me.

    HTH let me know if you have any additional questions.


    Oh, and I just want to add that I use the books as non-consumable by sliding a page protector over the pages that require writing and having them write with a dry erase marker.

    Lessons are short and we do anywhere between 1-3 and it takes between 20-40 minutes total.

    My middle kids are excited about their math lessons now and even preschooler asks for math time 🙂 Although all three of my big kids used Miquon as their first math curricula I will be starting my youngest with Shiller when he is ready for it (formally).


    Interesting. We’ve been delaying formal math, so I wouldn’t want to start my youngest until she’s 7 or 8. And I’d probably start my son in the fall, when he’s 9, so I was wondering if it’d be too late.

    I’m wondering, where did you start your boys? Did you have to go back into the first set (1-3) at all?


    Yes, I did start with kit 1 and both had gaps that we needed to fill from book 1 8-year-old is now progressing through book two and 11year old is had gaps to fill in book 2 and now is progressing through book 3. There is nothing babyish about the books so DS11 had no issues with working in books 1 and 2. Because you are doing specific lessons to fill gaps and then move on it did not feel at all like they were behind just moving trough content that they were weak on if that makes sense. For the first time in a long time math is not causing me stress 🙂


    Well you’ve given me something to think about!

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