Sharing resources in the bookfinder, when exactly??? ;)

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    WinkI am contemplating entering yet another Math Mammoth book (actually two), and I am soooo sure someone else must have already entered this LOL.  So many of us use it…

    Doug, I know you can’t nail down an exact date for this upgrade, but is it in the future like months and years away, or is it soon.  I am dreading entering all the divisions, but I want them, and I want to be lazy and just click on it and have it be there LOL. I love it with the organizer when that happens.

    Here is my plan to enter the divisions.  I have extracted the text from the pdf and it is in Notepad now.  I plan to open the organizer and notepad side by side and copy and paste the divisions.  Haven’t tried it yet but will see how it works and report back for any others who might want to do this.

    Also, here is a question.  If, say, five of us have entered Math Mammoth grade 2, will all five entries be there and we will pick the one we like the best (with all the divisions done from someone’s hard work I hope LOL), or will it be wiki-style and the one main version of Math Mammoth grade 2 resource, for instance, will be editable to be improved, tagged, corrected, etc.

    Just curious.   I am voting for the wiki version, if it matters.


    yes my copy/paste technique is working! used a free program – nitro pdf reader – to extract the text…

    got the first two chapters done, no typos 🙂

    Doug Smith

    It’s so hard to nail down when it will be done. We’re building something that hasn’t been done before so there’s nothing to base an estimate on. That said, the end is in sight. I’d say weeks to month rather than months to years. Smile

    Yes, it will be more wiki style. Everyone will be able to contribute to the same resource to fill in and correct information. Each set of changes will be stored in a version. You will be able to browse back through the older versions and view a summary of the changes for each. Then if for some reason you don’t like the changes, you can use an older one, etc.

    Also, when you add a new resource you will be given suggestions for existing resources that might match what you are entering.


    Oh, that is sounding nice.  I was figuring it would be difficult (and I’m sure it is…) but that sounds like a good method.


    I can’t wait!  It is going to be such a wonderful new development for the organizer…thanks for the info, Doug.  I will have Math Mammoth gr. 2 and 6 entries all ready for you when you upgrade LOL.

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