Share your creative ways to use the organizer, please!


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  • Gem

    I am trying the CM organizer, and I really like it so far. I’d like to hear how some of the more experienced users track things other than the kids school schedules – like appointments, to do lists, daily home routines etc.

    Is anyone doing this? I use microsoft outlook to schedule all these things and it would be great to integrate the schoolwork schedule with everything else on paper the way I have to do in real life LOL.

    For instance, I entered a few of my routine daily chores as resources, then I checked that I completed them on the planner, and of course they dropped off the list, because I had completed them! So I reentered them with divisions (like “Laundry”, division type “load 1, load 2, load 3,… LOL) so when I checked that I had completed it, it would pop up again tomorrow.

    I surely haven’t figured out how to finesse this planner yet, but it has potential.

    Hope you all have a lot of clever tips to share,



    I use it for all of our daily chores, but I never check ‘Complete’, I just click ‘Worked On’ so they never disappear.

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