Share a Narration or Notebook Page from This Week!

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  • Tristan

    Hi everyone,

    I just thought it would be fun to hear a recent narration or see a notebooking page from your children if you’ve done any lately. I put an example from my K, 1st, and 5th grade students up on my blog today with their narrations as well as the notebook page they did. We were learning about Charles Dickens. I’ll copy and paste the narrations here but if you want to see pictures of their notebook pages you can check it out on my blog:

    Emma is 6 and finishing up Kindergarten. She gave an oral narration, which I wrote down on her notebooking page for her. She then added the title and illustrated it. Her narration:

    “When he was a kid he saw this house that he really wanted. His dad said if he worked hard he might get it. His dad was thrown in prison because he didn’t have enough money to pay somebody. Charles had to fill bottles with polish and glue labels on them. He became an author.”

    Joseph is 7 and finishing 1st grade. I wrote his oral narration down as well. He’ll begin transitioning to writing his own as copywork late this summer. He added a title and illustrated the page. His narration:

    “He had seven brothers and sisters. He worked in a factory. He worked for most of the day clear into the night. His job was to put lids on shoe polish and the label. When he got older he made books.”

    Makayla is 10 and finishing 5th grade. She wrote her narration directly onto the notebooking page and illustrated it. Then she read the narration to me. One note on her narration before I share it. This is pure, unedited writing. There are spelling and grammar issues. I’m 100% okay with that. Once every week or so we take one of these narrations and polish it up, going through the editing process. If we find a word she is perpetually misspelling she practices it. We’ll begin that process with this narration tomorrow and Friday. Her narration:

    “Charles had a ruff chiledhood. Having to work putting lids and labels on shoue polish bottels. His Father was throne in jail, and so his family (exsept Charles) went with him. His mother died leaving his dad mouny to get out of jail. He then went to school. When he was fiftine, he got his first job (that he got to choosse). He was a reporter. He wrote many books about London peapols lives. He also thout of the peapol in his books sometimes alive, wanting to be spotlightid. He died at the age of 58.”


    Such fun!  I hope others post some examples, too.  It would be nice to see what other children do.

    Once a week (or so) my DD(6yo) draws a picture while she listens and then dictates her narration to me.  This is from “Our Little Athenian Cousin of Long Ago.”

    “Every four years the people of Athens had a big festival.  It would go on for many days.  On the first day, they had a music contest.  Then Hiero was in the running race.  He won.  After more contests, Duris was in the torch race.  It was like the running race, except you weren’t supposed to go too fast.  Duris won because the other boy had picked up speed and his torch went out.  Then they had chariot races.  A person riding in the chariot would have to jump out and then jump back in.”



    Here is my dd 6.5’s narration from the Aesop Fable “The Hares and Frogs” from a couple days ago.

    “Some hares went past a pond. Some frogs were frightened by them. The hares said, “There is no danger here. They are frightened by us!”

    I wrote this down while she was telling it to me, and then later she copied it into her copybook (one of those Mead journal books with primary lines at the bottom and blank on top) and drew an illustration to go with it.


    It took me a few days but I put up some of my kids’ narrations. They are 11,10,8 and 6.



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