Shape worksheets somewhere online?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Music & Art Shape worksheets somewhere online?

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  • Sara B.

    I am looking for a set of free printable plain basic shapes that have 1 shape per sheet, preferably covering a large portion of an 8 1/2×11 piece of paper.  I want my almost 3yo to be able to either color it, or cut it out, or trace it on tracing paper, or punch holes onto another sheet of paper with a toothpick, or ?  But I am not finding just plain shapes.  I found a bunch of holiday type shapes, and I’ve found sheets of multiple shapes, but nothing with just 1 large shape on the paper (circle, square, heart, etc).  Anyone know of any somewhere?  This can’t be the first time someone thought of this idea, is it?  Smile



    could those work?

    If you click on the shape you want, several options for worksheets come up, including one large one on a page.


    I love this site – it is so full of fun preschool everything!  Maybe something will here will help:


    You could just make some   😀

    Sara B.

    I ended up doing just that, houseofchaos.  🙂  Evidently no one has had this idea in the past, so I just opened up Paint and did it myself.  Oy…  I could have just done it myself and saved myself all that time searching.  It was SO easy.  LOL

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