Shakespeare…??? re the nuts and bolts


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  • crazy4boys

    We’re FINALLY making the effort to read Shakespeare.  We are reading A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  Read the Bruce Coville illustrated version (which they loved), then the Nesbit, and then Lamb’s.  Now we’re reading the actual play out loud – giving out parts and reading with wonderful Shakespearean drama.  

    Should we just read it?  Should I stop after each character’s section and discuss/explain/define?  Or each page?  Do I only explain when they ask a question?  I’m not sure where to find the balance of reading for enjoyment vs. reading for understanding.

    as an aside – they’re already picking parts and fighting over roles.  It was so fun to hear them reading with different voices and inflection and throwing their arms around for effect.  

    ages 13, 13, 9, and 7…in case that helps answer the question


    If one of THEM has a question, stop and look it up.  If something seems critical to you that they ought to understand, briefly explain it.  Otherwise, just read a short section, enjoying it, and then ask them at the end if there is anything they want to look up.  IMO it’s a LOT less important to understand every word than it is to enjoy the language and the play and fight over roles.  (You should hear my dh when he does a female part lol).


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