Shakespeare for FREE

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  • Jenni

    Just picked up the 1911 version (in very good shape) of the Lamb’s All Shakespeare Tales off the free pile at our local used bookstore! Woo hoo!

    Had to share – only you guys will fully appreciate this. DH said, “Oh.” Wink


    LOL – I hear ya!  Laughing  That’s exactly what mine said about the seven boxes of amazing books I collected out of the “forgotten”books in the boxes under the table.  The Friends of the Library were so excited to get rid of them, including a beautiful 20 volume matched set that included the Lamb’s Shakespeare, that I only about $100.00 for all seven boxes – but you would drool if you saw them.  A little bit of dusting…viola!  Those books were worth closer to $500.  BTW, I am now officially “that homeschool lady” to them.  Smile

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