My mom and I are working on a birthday present for my 5 year old. We would like to put together a “sewing basket” for her. It would be things for fine motor practice. We are going to include 1.5″ buttons with plastic canvas and plastic tipped strings to sew them on. We will also have yarn for finger knitting.
We are looking for other things too that will be challenging but not overwhelming. Any suggestions?
How about one of the spool things that have the nails around the hole in the top and you knit a chain with it – is it called a knitting knobbie? Also counted crosstitch needles are not sharp and can go through felt very easily.
Question. Do any of you have your dc use a weaving lap loom. I have wanted to buy one for awhile but don’t know if I should. Thanks Rachel for that link…I want to get that knitting tower and a loom from that website.
We have the lap loom from Nova and we really like it. The instructions weren’t very clear to me at first, but we have the book Kid’s Weaving which has helped a lot (we got the book from Amazon, it’s $6 cheaper than on Nova). I love fiber arts!
You might want to add some wool felt pieces in bright colors and embroidery floss in pretty colors. You could cut the felt into various sizes of flower shapes or cut into various sizes of geometric shapes. Keep the pieces in size that would be easy for her to hold, not too large or small.
Both my kids liked to sew pieces of felt on top of each other at that age. The wool felt is easy to hold. You don’t have to make a specific project (though you could) but simply let her sew the pieces in whatever way she likes.