Severe Mental Illness in spouse-need to reorganize schooling

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Severe Mental Illness in spouse-need to reorganize schooling

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  • LindseyD


    While I do not have anything else to add to the advice you’ve already received, I just wanted to say that I really admire you for having the courage to post about such a sensitive topic relating to your husband and your family as a whole on here. I know that took some guts, and I am proud of you for not letting the enemy tell you that you would be judged. What you’re struggling with is one of those things that isn’t talked about much, so good for you for not feeling ashamed! I will definitely be praying for wisdom, guidance, peace, and strength in the days ahead for all of you.

    Much love,


    Rachel White

    Thank you all of you. I’m having a crying day, so ya’ll’s words are especially comforting today. I miss my husband-well, who he was. I heard a special song of ours on the radio yesterday that we used to dance to early in our marriage and I’ve been crying off–and-on ever since.

    I thank G-D for my parents and sister who have opened their home to me and the kids right now. 

    Lindsay, I really appreciate  that. I did think twice about posting my frustrations about schooling given the reason. Hoping I could just figure it out, ya know? Without “bothering” ya’ll with this, etc..I even prepared a response to an imaginary post from any person in case they started to accuse my husband of not enough faith or something ridiculous like that as being the reason for his illness.

    But my mind was too overwhelmed. So. one thing I clung to in deciding to post was my past experience on this board and I knew it’d be safe here. 

    I’m not angry, but sad…so sad; and want to just move on to the next stage of this and get some of our life back in our house. I feel like things are at a stand-still after the chaos. And I know this may sound petty, but I’m going to end up missing our spring and summer gardening season. I had plans, ya know? Now, I can only hope for doing these things in the autumn-maybe. 

    I went to a family meeting of relatives of those with mental illness and that was helpful. DH went to his own peer-support group. It’s weird, when I go to my Congregation, I currently feel like I’m walking through a tunnel, alone with my thoughts -like I’m in a parallel universe! Not because anyone there has done or said anything wrong- for the exception of a handful of close friends who know – most don’t know and I just feel odd. I want to honor my dh, so when he comes, he doesn’t feel uncomfortable.

    I wish the faith community would talk about it more. We also need more housing for people like this; similar to half-way houses for drug addicts. My dad (who has developed half-way homes and addiction programs for over 30 years) and I were talking about that last night. 

    With all my grumblings, I’m relieved that my husband has his diagnosis, though the knowledge of it doesn’t really improve mine and my kids’ feelings; but with this help can begin after all these years of not knowing what was happening.

    Unfortunately, he’s inconsistant with how much he’s allowing me to to be involved with his care. Sometimes it’s like he’s trying to go it alone and I feel excluded. But it seems to be part of his paranoia currently, based upon his reasoning for excluding me. So with counseling, hopefully it will improve. I know it’s not me, nor him, really; it’s his mind betraying him.

    Also, a wonderful and godly man in leadership at our synagogue has been assigned(by our rabbi, but long before, spiritually- called) to disciple my husband and be there for him at any time. I am very thankful for that and pray it continues.

    Anyway, thanks to reading my thoughts today. Blessings on all of you and your own families.

    I found another good spiritually-uplifting book for the children that I think is good for them right now.


    Rachel, I’m sorry. Sorry for all of it. I feel your sadness when I read that post and understand the loss of what was and what was hoped for. As I was reading your post, the words of Psalm 121 came to mind. This is my prayer for you and your family tonight.

    121 I lift up my eyes to the hills.

    From where does my help come?

    2 My help comes from the Lord,

    who made heaven and earth.

    3 He will not let your foot be moved;

    he who keeps you will not slumber.

    4 Behold, he who keeps Israel

    will neither slumber nor sleep.

    5 The Lord is your keeper;

    the Lord is your shade on your right hand.

    6 The sun shall not strike you by day,

    nor the moon by night.

    7 The Lord will keep you from all evil;

    he will keep your life.

    8 The Lord will keep

    your going out and your coming in

    from this time forth and forevermore.

    Rachel White

    Christie, that is actually my favorite Psalm. It has encouraged me in times past. Thank you.



    I hope you always feel safe to post here, and that the folks on this board can walk with you through this difficulty. I’m glad you went to a support group- that can make a huge difference since mental health challenges can be so isolating for both the person who is ill, and their family.


    If you don’t already, I suggest each of you keep a personal journal at regular times, like at quiet time.  Your response to the imaginary post was probably good for you to write, even though you do not need it here.



    I’ve been busy with a special out-of-the country guest and am just getting caught up. Please know I am lifting your entire family before the throne. Your faith and witness have blessed me.


    Rachel, just wanted to let you know that you have been on my heart this morning and that I have been praying for you. Be blessed, The Lord is with you.


    blue j

    Rachel, I am also just getting caught up on the boards.  I am praying for all of you.



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