Severe Mental Illness in spouse-need to reorganize schooling

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  • Rachel White

    Hello ladies. I need some assistance/ confirmation as to how to handle our current situation as it relates to schooling the children. 

    My husband has been finally diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, with paranoia. It is a disorder that has elements of schizophrenia and bi-polar. I won’t go through the long story of years of symptoms, just to say that these past two years or so have been showing more frequent episodes, with us needing to leave the house for a few days or just hunker down for a few days while he goes through it. He’s had 3 episodes since the beginning of Dec. and this last one lasted 9 days in it’s active stage. We are still at my parents’ home and it is going on 4 weeks now.

    Needless to say when he has the bad episodes, it destroys our homeschooling attempts, or at least weakens severely due to the environment and our stress levels. 

    I have some of their stuff here and they have been doing the basics. I struggle with doing any of it and even checking the work is sometimes such a chore. My son (13) has taken to checking his own and sometimes his sister’s work, too; which is very helpful. She is 12, but has learning and developmental issues of her own, as well as sensory dysfunction. I need things to be as self-teaching as possible.

    I am trying to get us back into the home, find him alternate lodgings and become the one with full charge over all our property holdings and finances, as well as a few other things which must be enforceable by law to keep us safe and secure. My mind is distracted by the things that I need to handle, not to mention I’m struggling with migraines and severe muscle tension/spasms which goes berserk at a moment’s notice and leaves me flat on my back. I can’t listen to or read narrations, frankly, so I have to use alternate means of measuring their comprehension. The best I can do right now is have a TM to check things.

    These are my ideas:

    Scale down to only: math; English; history; Bible study; Jewish studies; values; Hebrew; lit.; their leisure readings/audios; Shakespeare on audio; science; spelling


    1)     they read The Trojan War independently and use the Memoria Press study guide

    or they listen to Green’s Tale of Troy with no requirement

    2)     also, listen to Marshall’s Story of the Greeks.



           Continue in MUS and LoF. Son checks himself and reports to me (maybe he could use a piece of paper to write missed/correct?). My dd I have to work with.




         This one I’m struggling with. I’ve noticed that R&S 5 seems a little too much for dd. So, I think I should go back to Simply Grammar (which I own) and just have her work through that. Then when completed, move her into OMT and Jump In writing.

          For son, he does well w/R&S. In fact, sometimes the repetition is too much and there is SO much to check! Since he needs more written direction, skip through to the writing portions of R&S to get the basics they teach so well, then:  Switch him to OMT and Jump In.  I like the curriculum and he’s done well with it, but I think he would do well with something with fewer problems and moving more quickly to teach the writing skills, but equally as thorough. Does that make sense? Is there review of previous studied concepts?

    Re: Jump In: does it teach all that he needs to know, other than research papers?


    Bible Study/Middot(Values):

     This we’d do together


    Jewish Studies:

      Read independently



      Independently, just review vocabulary; no translating right now.



      Listen to our family read aloud, Swiss Family Robinson

      Read independent lit for each and use study guide:

         The Yearling for dd

         Animal Farm for ds


    Leisure: on audio or kindle

    Shakespeare: Lamb on audio (audible)


      Son does Megawords 2.

      Dd is natural speller. Since she has to work harder on science and math, I’ll le t slide for now.


      Both Pres. Penmanship


      Son: was supposed to start Apol. Gen. this winter. I realized, however, that he has good, basic general science knowledge. I don’t think he needs to do Ap. Gen. So I got him the Exp. Creation w/Chem. And Physics book and notebook. He did excellent with the Anatomy book/notebook. He just skips the crafty stuff. So, he can that one independently, things should be more settled. At that time, I suppose he’ll need to do Ap. Physical Science; unless I give him the three AIG Physical science books to read through instead and just begin Ap. Biology and skip Ap. Physical or he could read the Ap. Physical Sc. alongside the Chem./Physics, just not do the experiments. What do you think? He can do the experiments in Chem./physics.

     For dd, it’s more complicated. She finally became interested in reading the Exp. Creation books. So I got her the notebook and I think she’ll like it fine, She’s artsy, so I think she’ll enjoy it. However, she needs more science, since that’s not something she’s delved into deeply-beyond bugs and other life-type science and read living books. So what about have her read through the AIG science books, alongside Apo., that have material uncovered in Apo.? Just skip the experiments in AIG and just answer questions/learn vocab. That would give her more exposure. She’s not into doing experiments anyway.

    As you can see, I concerned for dd in regards to science. I have to use what I have, so I can’t invest in something totally different.

    Any suggestions?

    It also occurred to me to ask each of them if they’d like me to get them a specific study. For ex: art for dd and chess book for son or whatever; for fun. I’ve noticed these past two years that they’ve both lost a lot of personal interest in learning; excitement like they used to have, and I think it’s been due to all that’s happened to ruin it and wear us out. Because I feel the same. I don’t feel like reading as I did before either.

    Anyway, thanks for reading and any prayers would be appreciated.




    Rachel I will be praying for your family. I am sorry I do not know much about those grades as my oldest is grade 4. You know your children best, but my gut reaction to two science books at the same time for your daughter is that it is too much. Which AIG books are they? Maybe she could get through one faster and then focus on another when she gets through it. I have my son write down all work for LoF, as the author suggests. Then he checks and corrects his own and I check it to give him accountability. This looks like an excellent plan to encourage self-learning. I think adding something fun that interests them is a great idea. I’m not sure that I would schedule them as “school” though. It might take the fun out of it. I encourage you to get out more to inspire learning. Maybe go to museums or festivals or check for special events and clubs at your library.


    Hi Rachel. I am so sorry to hear your husband is so ill. I know it must be such a struggle and loss for you right now as we have dealt with severe mental health challenges in our family also. Things can get better over time, ionce he begins to respnd to the treatments.

    As far school, I would encourage you to keep things to the bare minimum for this season. You can always continue working with a light schedule through the summer and/or pick up where you left off in the fall.

    While I am not familiar with all of the materials you mentioned, I would suggest you keep it simple and pleasant for everyone. If it was me, I would do mathUsee OR Life of Fred, composition/narrations oral or written, and Jewish studies/Bible studies and lit/leisure reading. I wouldn’t spend more than a couple hours a day on academics and spend the rest of the time reconnecting with the kids and dealing with the necessary legal and medical issues. Any additional school energy would go into nature study as that has a way of helping ground a person and bring health and healing. I would put the other subject away for at least a month or two to give everyone time to re-group. Your kids are young enough that you can pick back up once you have you feet under you again and they will be fine. Don’t let the pressure to “get it done” over run the real need to let everyone recover from the trauma you have all been though so you can come out stronger *together* on the other side.



    Rachel, my prayers are with you and your family. Know that you are not alone, as my family has walked through and continues to navigate mental illness as well.


    Rachel, I’m so sorry your family is struggling with this. My mom has mental illness and I know it can be very rough. I agree w/scaling back. If it were me, I’d probably focus on the 3 R’s and Religion, and maybe videos/fun living books for history/science.

    As far as Jump In, we are using it this year and I consider it all that’s needed for essay writing skills….then the research paper can be learned in high school. Just my .02:) Prayers to you….Gina


    Rachel, I agree that lightening up the load would be the best and Gina’s ideas of the 4 basics might be easiest for now. I am sorry about your husband and will add you to my prayers. 


    Rachel, I will be praying, I cannot imagine the difficulty this is causing. I’m sorry. I would agree with the others about scaling back during this season. I am seeing great success with dd13 and my class of 7 others with Jump In. It seems to be just the right amount of teaching for us. Blessings, christie


    I will pray for your family also.  I would just do the 3Rs and Jewish studies.  Your faith will give you strength.


    So sorry to hear about this, Rachel. I agree with the others that, for a season, scaling back and focusing on getting life back to something that is more manageable on a daily basis is important right now. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.



    So sorry you are going through this Rachel, I pray for God to give you strenght and peace to you and your children.

    Rachel White

    Thank you everyone; it means so much to me. Ya’ll’s advice was also much appreciated. It’s been difficult at best to try to focus my mind on working this part out, too. After seeing legal counsel on Mon., I felt a weight lift and some clarity of thinking came back. As long as my husband will agree to it, things will go more smoothly for all of us and we can move forward together. Just don’t know if his control issues and paranoia will allow to him to see clearly. I have to catch him just right. Please pray for the best solution to succeed, despite his condition.

    For the time being, this is what I’ve decided:

    MAth: just do MUS


    DD: switch to Simply Grammar

    DS: Do certain parts in R&S that are left that I deem valuable that aren’t in OMT and which would be beneficial to cover prior to beginning Jump In. Also, his Megawords 2, if not daily then every other day. 


    I may read aloud Swiss Family Robinson, so we’ll have that family time. If it’s absolutely not possible, have it on audio, as a back up (or we can listen to it together; I just need to stop long enough).

    I’m not going to require study guides right now. Just give them good books to read and enjoy, without the stress of accountability. They’ll share things with me if it’s a good book. I’m not going to worry about it.


    same thing. I asked them to give me some authors and/or titles; time periods and/or historical people they’d like to read/listen to as delight-directed learning, combined with ones I want them to hear, too.

    H/W: both

    Bible Study/Middot/Religious studies:

    can be either family or independent, depending upon the day and circumstances. Also, all three aren’t daily, just Bible study.

    I have a particular devotional in mind for my dd, which I think may help her, too.

    Hebrew: review vocab. at least 2x a week (being another language, I don’t want to fall too far out of reg. familiarity) It takes less than 5 min. No tests.


    DD: Apol. Zoology 1 w/notebook only.

    DS: Apol. Chem/Physics w/notebook only.

    They need to continue their science for a variety of reasons. I’ve gotten no balking from them about it and it does give them something to do (there’s less to do here than home) and they both like the material so far.

    Total, this takes maybe 2 hours or so.

    Add in more documentaries/bios on tv (since they’re already watching more tv). Visit more places as funds permit that we wouldn’t attend were we further from the city (here, we’re within 30 min. of Atlanta).

    I agree on the nature study, too. Unfortunately, my parents live in the city and beyond watching the birds that my mom attracts with all of her feeders, we’d have to go to the zoo, park, or Nature Center. The Ren. Festival is coming up soon, so that’s a winner.



    Sounds like a great plan, Rachel! Blessings and prayers as you work all this out….


    This looks like a great plan, Rachel. I love audio books. They are great to get learning done when times are tough. You can listen on the go too. Some of the Apologia books have audios too, and more are being released this year. I plan to use one next year. But, you may not need these since it is independent reading for your children. Documentaries are great too. And more leisure reading is good for now. I can tell how much you care about your kids. You are a great mom. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

    The Ren Fest is a great idea! I did a search for free days for the aquarium in Atlanta, but only came up with on a birthday. When we went, we got a combo ticket with Coca Cola World. A CityPass would save but has to be used in 9 days. You probably already know of these. This site looks good for more ideas: If you ever get to Chicago, many of their museums offer free days on certain days, especially towards the beginning of the month.


    I think this sounds do-able, Rachel. I am glad that you were able to have some stress removed, and I’ll keep praying for all of you. 


    Rachel I feel I don’t have much advice.  I think what you have laid out is very do-able.  I will be praying though and asking for you to have continued strength.

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