Set-up CW Primer?

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  • ethiHOPEia

    Hello. I am new to this and I am trying to add Classical Writing Primer (Autumn) by Kathy Weitz. I am wondering if anyone can give me any advice on how to enter it in? It has copywork, narration, picture study, light grammar, etc. all in one??

    Thanks for any tips! Loving this so far.

    Sonya Shafer

    Bear in mind that I’ve only looked at the few sample pages available on the website, but from those it looks like you might be able to add Divisions called “Week.” Then number the divisions and add titles like this:

    1 Day 1

    1 Day 2

    1 Day 3 (or however many days are given per week)

    2 Day 1

    2 Day 2

    So when it shows up in the Daily Plan it will read, “Week 1, Day 1” or “Week 1, Day 2.”

    Would that work?


    Wow! Thanks so much for your help!

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