Serl LL? 1932 texts? CM style?

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  • cedargirl

    I have been looking at Emma Serl’s Primary and Intermediate Language Lessons. I also have found a series called Dominion Language Series, books 1-3, put out by the BC Government. Both these sets use Picture study, oral narrations (sometimes called oral compositions), poetry (including scripture or verse that glorifies God), Plutarch, elocution, grammar, literature terms, vocabulary, and later written compositin exercises.  the lessons focus on only one thing from that list. They cycle through, gently build through the grades.  Upon reading through them a bit, I feel like CM wrote them for the government, HA!

    But really, because they remind me of a beefier version of Queen Language Lessons, are they infact useful for CM method teaching? That’s what I want to know.


    advice? Opinions? Bueller….?


    When I first joined this forum years ago, many people were recommending these, so yes, this is one way to help achieve a CM education in your family.

    I have been using the Serl ILL for two years, and for the most part we like it. There are a few composition subjects that we aren’t familiar with, so I will sometimes change or modify the lesson. I have my children complete the picture studies, although we do a separate family picture study. Some of the poetry is beautiful.

    I also have the teacher’s answer book – Rachel from this forum recommended it several years ago and I find it helpful. I think I got it from Amazon.

    PLL is intended for grades 2-3.  ILL is intended for grades 4-6: all the lessons are in each book for those years.  Since each costs about $20, they are a great investment for 5 years of language arts.

    You can purchase them in workbook format from


    Thank you Sheraz. I did not realize the Serl books were for that young. I was thinking of them for my DS10 and DD13. I will look more at the Dominion Language Series then, as I know they go up to grade 8 and stick to that style even in that grade. Good to know they are in keeping with CM philosophy. I feel a little burnt out right now and just lost clear judgement, ever get that? I really want to pour into Charlotte’s method more and appreciate your input.

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