Separate Book of Centuries?

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  • cherylramirez

    Need some advice from everyone…my 12yodd started a Book of Centuries a couple of years ago and we are still working on it.  She has many entries and we have worked together to keep it up.  I have a 7yods who will be ready for timeline figures about a year or so from now.  Should I start him with his own book since he is several years behind his sister?  In two years she will be in HS and he will just be starting out on the more academic subjects.  I imagine the BOC will have many entries in it by then, all hers.  I like the idea of having just one for the family, however, I’d like for them to have their own “record” of what they learned in school.  What say you?

    Sonya Shafer

    I’ll throw in my $0.02 worth. The main reason I waited until the child was older to have him start his own BOC is because, usually, when children get older they despise their wobbly handwriting when they were younger. I didn’t want my older children ashamed of the entries they had made when they were younger and, thus, look down on their BOC. 

    I think I would keep your daughter’s book separate and make it her own at this point. You could do a mother-and-son BOC for your son that could either become his own or hold him until he starts his own. If you have a plan for history and know when you will be starting over in the rotation, that would be a logical place for him to start his own BOC if desired.


    Thank you Sonya.  My daughter’s BOC is really nice and I want his to be too.  I will wait a couple of years and start his when he’s writing better.  I want him to be proud of  his work.  I am actually thinking of doing one for myself, it’s such a fun project!

    Sonya Shafer

    I created my own, too, to help me learn history. And when I got to American History, I created my own Book of Decades just for that time period. It is such a helpful tool!


    I created my own BOC, too! It is such a fun project and a wonderful learning tool. I also started my own nature journal several years ago. Both the BOC and nature journal are gifts from Charlotte Mason in my life. Oh, and I have my own book of mottos too (and my penmanship has improved, lol!).  🙂


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