Second Guessing Myself…Help!

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  • JoyinIndo

    Hi ladies,

    I have been a CM homeschooler for 7 years now! We have used a smattering of materials, curriculums, etc. Last year we used Heart of Dakota, and really enjoyed it. So, I went ahead and ordered it again for this year. The problem is now that I’m looking at it, it seems really overwhelming and disjointed to use with 4 grades {7th,6th,4th, and 2 1st graders}. When I just had 3 grades it was pretty doable, but now, oh my. Each grade has it’s own curriculum, and it’s rather intense.

    I was previously looking at SCM, and can’t for the life of me remember why I chose not to use it! Maybe I was intimidated by setting several things up myself…ie Book of the Centuries, etc.

    In your opinion, if you were me, would you return the HOD in favor of using SCM so that everyone is on the same page? same time period? Learning together? {oh my that sounds nice right now}.

    We actually aren’t starting school officially until October, as we are going to be on a road trip/camping trip during September, so I have a little time to decide.

    Thank you so much for your help!!





    Having never used anything like HOD myself, I don’t have an “experienced” response to your dilemma.  I guess you’ll have to decide if having everyone together is what you want, some CM families do have their dc in different time periods for history/poetry/sciences, etc.  We have a combination going on here.  My dc do composer/hymn/history/scripture (but that may change)/nature/picture together, but they all have their own poet to study.  And the history still has them in different level books, but we do geo together and some of the family read alouds (I have had my oldest read from the Bible on his own, as well). 

    If I had more children (you have more than I do), I would probably like some aspects of them doing things separately, it may feel like they’re more independent (don’t have to wait on br. or sis. to do Family subjects and can “run” with what they are learning) but, at the same time, it would drive me nuts to track down all the different items they would need for their separate subjects.  All of our Family subjects are shared, so there are very little extra purchases necessary.  



    I’ve never used HOD so can’t speak to that, but have use Sonlight and though books were great I felt like a slave to the schedule and it was difficult to add in many CM aspects because we were tied to the schedule!

    I’ll just say that I LOVE SCM. Using this curriculum has brought peace to our day. The history/geo/Bible handbooks are so mom-friendly and doable…plus simple to add to if you wish. My kids are 5th and 8th this year and I’m actually having them do family readings on their own to help them w/more independence. I like having them on the same history cycle, too.  

    I’d just pray and see where you feel led…both are great curriculums I’m sure:) Blessings, Gina


    Did you purchase separate HOD guides for your children? It would be difficult to use one HOD guide for the ages you listed. It is very possible to do one SCM module with your family…that is how is was designed. I would be reluctant to scrap your HOD plans if you already have the materials. Though I have never done HOD (I do own the Creation to Christ guide), I think it is a good option if each child is placed in the right guide. HOD has wonderful book selections and clear instructions for independent students. Examine the original reason you chose HOD last year and see if it still resonates. If you feel overwhelmed with HOD after a trial period, SCM lives up to their name “Simply” and are always here for you (modules are inexpensive).

    I have eight children (six are school aged). It seems easier to me to have my children work toward being independent with their school apart from family subjects. That is why I thought HOD might still be a good fit for you. Maybe your family could meet for family Bible (reading/Scripture memory/Hymn/prayer) and a special read aloud. Regardless what you decide, the new SCM curriculum guide is a great resource for family time.


    I can’t speak to HOD as I’ve never used it, but I will simply share how we’re using the SCM modules in our family. I have 4 kids – dd12, ds9, dd6, ds3. This year we are back in Module 1. Everyone will study the same time period, but dd12 will be wholly independent completing both the Family Readings and the Gr. 7-9 readings on her own with some additional history and geography books added in for her. I will do the family readings with ds9 and dd6 using audiobook for both the Bible and Ancient Egypt and her Neighbors.

    DD12 is ready for full independence and is held back if she must wait for us. I simply printed the SCM Module 1 Lesson Plan book (2 pages/page to save paper and ink) and bound it in her planner. She will do five lessons per week. I expect that by 6th grade, ds9 will be ready to do much the same. DD6 may be ready even earlier. Independence is a goal of mine. 

    We always keep a literature family read-aloud going and study hymns, folk songs, poets, artists and composers together. We also have family devotions in the evenings. 

    Just food for thought on how the SCM modules can work toward both togetherness and independence. 

    RE. BOC – SCM offers a basic printable one that is free and sells a ready-made one that I designed. I’ve just revamped the one I designed and posted samples on my blog – My Book of Centuries: Thinline Edition. I’ve submitted it to SCM for review. 

    I wish you well on figuring out what’s best in this season.



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