Scripture Memory System – younger kids coming in….

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  • suzukimom

    Ok, we have been using the Scripture Memory System (a bit on and off) for a while.  My older kids (9 and 6) know a fair number of scriptures, although they do tend to forget if we aren’t doing them all the time.  I think a couple might have been “passed” on a little quickly. 

    But – although my 4yo has tried a bit, she hasn’t learned any – and I think it is because she is overwhelmed because of all the other ones.   I also saw a video I made 4 years ago of my 6 yo (then 2) saying a scripture…. and I realize that neigher my current 4yo or 2yo know any.   

    I’m not sure what to do.  I tried doing them seperately (using a flash-card program) for a while – but I don’t think that worked too well.  Also, my 9yo is going to have more he needs to memorize than the others, for church.  So I wonder if I should seperate them.  But I’m having a hard enough time doing this doing it with just one box to maintain!    

    Any suggestions?



    Why not have the two oldest make and maintain their own box?  Then at the end of every week you could have them tell you the most recent one that they’ve learned all the way through.  Then as a family do shorter one and spend more time on them so the little ones can learn along with them.


    I’ve been struggling with this, too. Each of my children who can write keep one of those composition books to write down their scripture memory verses. If its a long one, I will help them write it down. I’m not sure that this is much different than note cards, other than it seems to be a bit easier to keep track of. Both physically and mentally. I’m eager to hear what works for others.


    We were doing the verses together, but DD7 is much quicker to memorize than DS5.  We have done about 25 verses (one per month for 2 years now).  DD7 has them all down pat.  DS5 probably knows half very well, and can do the rest with cues from me. I just started the memory box system about 2 months ago.  I wrote up all the verses we’ve done on three different colours, for the 2 kids and myself.  They are all randomly placed, so that none of us do the same verse on the same day (other than the new daily one), so that there is no competition.  I also didn’t include all the verses in DS’s colour in the rotation, so that he isn’t practicing quite as many yet.  DD7 recites most of them on her own, while for most verses I read it and DS5 recites along with me for his.  So he is hearing them from her, plus practicing with me on a different day.  Plus he gets to ‘test’ me when my colour comes up, so he is reading along for a third repetition.

    DD3 hasn’t memorized any yet, but likes to copy what I say, phrase by phrase on the daily verse.  Once she starts showing that she knows one, I’ll add in a colour for her.

    It’s not elegant, but it wasn’t working for us to do it as a group.  DD7 would rattle it off without waiting and leave DS5 frustrated.


    Oh, the coloured cards is a good idea – when the 1 box gets too full, we can divide it into more boxes – but until then…

    I’d also love to get an index-card binder – but they seem to be impossible to get here…


    We are using a small 3-ring binder, one per kid. I simplified the system – so there is a ‘new’ section, a ‘daily’ section (Mon-Sat), and a ‘weekly’ section (covered on Sundays). (Later I will probably add a ‘month’ section, perhaps the 2nd Wednesday or something.) The reminder to do their memory book is on their chore boards. My 6yo does his with me. I did miss memorizing together, so I have a Psalm picked out to do as a family.

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