I am going to try a longer portion of scripture verses (Romans 12) and was wondering how you all do that with your kids. Do you read through the entire section each day till it’s all memorized, or do you work on smaller portions at a time? My kids are almost 6 and 7, don’t fully read yet, so I’ll be saying it aloud at breakfast time. Thanks!
We learned Psalm 100 with dd5 last year, and we learned it one verse at a time, but each new verse we added to the portion we had already learned. (So, we learned vs 1, then we learned vs 1-2, and then 1-3, and so on). Once we had learned the whole thing, we continued reciting the whole thing for several weeks before we moving it back in our file box and starting something new (we use the Scripture Memory box idea from here). That was the first time we had tackled something longer than 1-2 verses and it worked well for us. Hmm, now it’s got me thinking that we should tackle a longer portion of something again soon…
May 25, 2011 at 8:38 pm
Here’s a great post from Ann Voskamp on memorizing Scripture and in particular, about memorizing the book of Colossians in a year:
I thought you might be able to glean some helpful information from it and apply it towards whatever portions of Scripture you are wanting to memorize. She even offers a committment booklet for memorizing Colossians that has it all broken down for you by week. She also shares different resources on memorizing Scripture such as “Seven Ways of Highly Effective Bible Memorization” and “Learning the ART of Memorizing.” It’s a great post! I’m considering trying to tackle memorizing the book of Colossians using her booklet.
I also use the Scripture Memory System here at SCM. I love it! Even if I use the Colossians booklet, I would probably still put all the verses in my index card box too.
At our house we learn long passages by reading through the whole thing every day, just like shorter passages. Somehow hearing the whole passage spoken together helps us keep the flow of thought and not get mixed up about which verse comes next. Also, we’ve heard each verse the same number of times. When we memorize one, then one-two, then one-two-three, etc. we hear and say the first verses much more than the last verses. Hearing the whole passage every day puts equal emphasis on all the verses.
But whichever way works best in your situation, the important thing is to memorize Scripture!
I find it kind of interesting, how things are different between memorizing something like a scripture, versus memorizing music (on an instrument….)
With memorizing something like scripture, I agree with the reading the whole thing each time…
Yet for memorizing music, the best method I have found is NOT playing the whole piece through… and it isn’t playing the phrase, then playing the first and second phrase, etc…. It is playing various phrases of the music NOT IN ORDER… usually learning the hardest phrase first. Doing the whole song through each time is very ineffective with music. And playing through the song starting with learning the first phrase, then the first and second etc makes the start of the song much stronger than the end. (so does the playing the song until you make a mistake method, and starting over again…)
So for instance, my son is working on the “rapid passage” in Gavotte (which has very fast fingers, while slurring with the bow… including a C natural and a C Sharp in the same phrase.) He is also working on a passage in Gavotte with a “stretch 3” to a different C Sharp on the violin… which is one of the few times he has had to use a “stretch 3” finger… He is also working on the 2nd Section (this is a 4 section song…) making sure he has good “stop bows”. I suspect that in the next lesson or so he will be working on doing Pizzicato (plucking the strings) with his hand while holding the bow… as that occurs in the 4th section. Eventually, after working on all these (and possibly other) parts will he get to put it all together.
I know, nothing to do with the topic really – but just something that strikes me as interesting… that memorizing different things takes different methods. Of course, with the music, it isn’t just memorizing notes, it is learning technique as well…..
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