Scripture Memory

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  • csmamma

    I just wanted to share with you all something that has worked wonderfully for our family regarding Scripture Memory.

    I love the SCM scripture memory system but found that it kept falling by the way side. I would fail to pull the cards out and make time for memory ( I know, lack of discipline on my part 😳 ).

    I came across an article by Steve and Teri Maxwell awhile back that has helped our family utilize the SCM scripture memory system in a consistant and successful manner.

    Part of the article is here….

    “The simplest way our family memorizes Scripture is what I might term the whiteboard-mealtime-grace method. After we say grace before lunch and dinner, we recite a portion of Scripture together before we begin to eat. We have a whiteboard hanging in the dining room where the current Scripture is written down for us to read until it is memorized. The verses on our board now are Matthew 5:3-12. A couple of the previous passages were 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 and Galatians 5:22-24.

    Just by reading the verses two times a day as our family sits down to meals, we memorize them usually in a few days to weeks. The children learn them before Steve and I do. There is no pressure on anyone, and everyone—even the youngest—will eventually know all the verses on the whiteboard. We leave the set of verses up even after everyone knows them well so they become very ingrained. At that point, the Lord will put a new section of Scripture on Steve’s heart to put on the whiteboard on which we will begin to work.

    I believe the key to Scripture memory is having it scheduled every day. That is one reason why our whiteboard-mealtime-grace Scripture method is effective. We work on it twice a day, day after day, and in this case it doesn’t even feel like we are memorizing.”

    (you can read more of the article here )

    After memorizing the scriptures in this way, we then write down the current one being memorized on an index card, and then file it accordingly- as SCM scripture memory system states.

    After much failure to memorize scripture in our house, were now making headway! Yeah! 😀


    Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou, Heather!!! 😆 😆 😆


    OH Heather thank you for this reminder. My family did scripture memory like this two years ago but when we moved I never put the scripture board back up on the wall. OHHH how I need to get it back out. Thank you for this timely post.

    Oh and I love the Maxwell’s. I’ve went to two of their conferences…well worth the time!! What a blessing they are.



    What I like about memorizing scripture this way, is that it has become a part of our everyday life and not just another school subject. Also, it involves DH thus becoming a family endeavour. 😉 What a Joy!


    What a wonderful idea!!!! Heather, thank you so much for posting this.

    Amber E

    This is a great idea! Thank you for sharing!!

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