Scripture Memorization (longer passages or shorter verses)

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  • kellywright006

    Hi Everyone:
    I’ve been pondering the above question for a while now. I tend to be an over-achiever, start out strong, and after a few weeks,we flop like the best of them. I like the idea of learning longer scripture passages and find it valuable. However, learning faith-building, encouraging, shorter verses are also valuable.  What I *think* makes sense (but seems a but unreasonable) is to work on a longer passage for the term, and each week do one additional short verse. Does that seem like too much to keep track of? We started the year off doing that and it was overwhelming my kiddos. (8th, 6th and 5th).  I hope that makes sense.

    Thanks for listening.


    We use SCM’s scripture memory system, and we pretty much always do longer passages. That makes our scripture time take longer each day (saying 4 passages takes longer than saying 4 verses), but I feel like the more passages we get in our heads, the more the general gist will stick with us.

    Also, my hope is that the “literary-ness” of the Bible will stick with them because of learning passages.

    I should specify that we only learn about 3 or 4 passages each calendar year, so we are really slow at it because of all the days we skip scripture time.

    My girls memorize a verse each week for Good News Club, on their own, so they are also learning individual verses.


    We do some shorter and some longer passages – as the Spirit moves us :0). For instance, I was reading Psalm 46 one day and thought, “Wow! What an encouraging passage this would be to have memorized in a time of danger or trouble.” So we have been working on that for about a month, and we will probably finish it within a couple of months. I am probably not as ambitious about Scripture memory work as some – we work on 1-2 verses a month and, if it’s a longer passage, we take longer. But we also do a lot of Bible reading and copywork, which is sort of like undercover memory work – they end up memorizing it without knowing it! We review one of our previous verses about once a week, and that seems to work well. I have heard great things about the SCM way of memorizing verses, too.


    We like to do one longer passage each year.  We’ve memorized a couple of the Psalms and the Christmas story in Luke 2.  We’ve also memorized the 10 Commandments and the Apostle’s Creed.   The rest of the year, we work on shorter passages or single verses.

    I don’t see why your plan wouldn’t work.  We usually have several memory items that we’re currently working on covering multiple subjects (at the moment I can think of Bible verses, catechism, poems, Latin words, grammar definitions, books of the Bible, European countries, and continents/oceans for science).  If it gets to much for them, you can always cut back on the material they are memorizing, but it doesn’t sound like too much to me.

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