Hi everyone, I am filling out the final portion of an application for our daughter who we suspect may be dyslexic. (for the Sottish Rite / Like Waites Centor for Dyslexia in Dallas, TX) I’m feeling a little nervous – I guess I’m afraid of some kind of negative experience because of the fact that we homeschool. We don’t have Home School Legal Defense, so I guess we aren’t protected if someone wanted to take action against us…but, we live in Texas, so is there any reason for me to be concerned? Do we need to get services from HSLDA?
I can’t help with Scottish Rite in particular, but two of our children are at our local Children’s Hospital regularly for appts. We had 3 this week actually! We go during the day and I often have all 5 of our children with me. We’ve never had anyone say a word, but HSing is quite common here.
I am just not sure if I’m understanding your question. Are you concerned the hospital will wonder why your child is not in school? Or suggest the problem is b/c she is homeschooled (now this one I could see b/c we’ve encountered this attitude). But fwiw, we have never encountered the latter attitude by any medical professionals we see at the hospital, just from our local school where our two youngest received speech services.
I wouldn’t worry if I were you. I don’t know the TX laws either though. Sorry I’m not more help. BTW, I know of a couple of families who have used Scottish Rite for their children with limb differences and they speak HIGHLY of the hospital.
I guess I’m mostly concerned about someone from the hospital having a negative attitude towards us because of homeschooling, and the possibility of them taking some kind of action against us.
Texas has really great homeschooling laws, so I probably don’t need to be concerned. I was just wondering if anyone thought getting hsld would be wise before we are seen by the hospital. I know of other families who have gone to Scottish Rite, but they weren’t homeschoolers.
It’s just all very new to us, and I want to be wise.
We had my daugther tested there several years ago… I’m not a fan, but not really for the concerns you mentioned. I also know people who’ve used them with much better results including homeschoolers.
She was 7 at the time I got her on the waiting list (6 mths long) They won’t even consider them until that age. After the testing, it took another 3 mths to get the results. By the time I took her in, I’d about given up teaching her to read–I’d been trying for 3 yrs. and literally getting know where. And in the end *for us* the test results ended up being useless. I was VERY upset and frustrated that I’d wasted a school year hoping they could help and left still back at square one. I don’t know for sure, but I suspect there was some homeschool bias by at least one of the testers involved. When we met with the dr. who gave us the results, she started off by handing us the packet and telling us most of what was in there didn’t mean much. Um…O.k. whatever that meant. By the end of the meeting, I got the impression the testers blamed her “problem” by her being homeschooled. One of the things mentioned was that she wasn’t familiar with 2nd grade sight words. I told the dr. that’s because we’ve been doing Kind. for 3 yrs and haven’t gotten past “the” as a sight word! Not to mention that’s why we were there in the first place. The DOCTOR seemed to get the problem. She had seen the samples of her work I’d sent in, she’d seen the testing that was done, etc. SHE could see a problem. But thanks to how the testers wrote up the report, it wasn’t helpful. In the end they said the results were inconclusive, she had several factors of dyslexia, but not enough to diagnose and labeled her “at risk for developmental dyslexia” She also said we could bring her back in a year for testing again if we wanted, which they don’t usually do. I never went back. From that point on I just started over again with Saxon phonics and somewhere along the line she finally started reading. Of course now looking back, all the stuff she tested really low in was auditory in nature and now I suspect the actual problem was APD along with her 2 brothers. (see my new intro post. lol) I WISH someone would’ve suggested to have her tested for something else such as the APD since that’s where most of her lowest scores were, but it never came up until my now 7 yr old had been in speech therapy for 3 yrs. It was his therapist that brought it up and as soon as I started researching it, it explained every single thing I’d been struggling with with my kids for YEARS.
But other than the weird results, we weren’t harrassed or anything about homeschooling.
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