SCM's Early Modern & Epistles

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  • kbtighe

    We just began the Early Modern & Epistles history guide from SCM in February. I have the Stories of the Nations and the Story of America. Here’s my question:

    My children are struggling with remembering what is happening in America vs the Nations since there’s 2 days of America, 2 days of Nations and 1 day of geography. Has anyone separated the Nations from America and simply done all of the Nations first and then all the America (or other way) instead of mixing the two? Aside from keeping things somewhat chronological, is there a benefit from keeping the Nations and the America studies mixed throughout the year?

    Thanks for your thoughts!




    I know a couple people do one then the other. We do not. The most helpful thing I have found (we are 131 lessons in to early modern) is a small white board. On one side I write the American names and the world on the other. Each day before our reading we discuss the last readings name and events. I leave the name until I run out of space and then erase the oldest one and write the new one. Also keeping a book of centuries helps.



    Thanks for your response! I am going to try and see how keeping a white board with running names works. We don’t do a book of centuries right now as a family, but my oldest one keeps her own. Maybe I’ll consider starting one of those as well.

    Thanks again!


    No problem, and for reference my kids are 6dd (almost 7) 5ds, and 2dd. just the first grader is required to listen but honestly the pre k age son loves the stories and listens most of the time too.

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