SCMO Notes on Upcoming Divisions?

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  • Zookeeper5

    I just wanted to say that I am loving the recent updates. However, is there any plans for adding notes to upcoming divisions? I know that it is already on the wishlist, but this is the thing that has me looking into something else. It’s tiring entering all my notes daily. Thank you guys for all your hard work on this. I do love the organizer.

    Jordan Smith

    You are correct that we do have that feature on the wish list, but we aren’t actively working on that one right now. It’s great that you let us know that it would be useful to you, since we use your feedback to help us decide what to work on in the future.


    I, too, would love this feature!


    Thanks for your reply Jordan. For me it would even be helpful if notes were available using the show next assignments feature. That way when I do my weekly planning I could save my notes directly to SCMO. Notes on an entire schedule is less important to me as I don’t usually plan notes to far in advance. Thanks again

    Jordan Smith

    You mean on the upcoming assignments in the Daily Plan, rather than being able to add notes in the Scheduler?

    Is that how everyone is thinking about this idea? Who would find it useful to add notes to upcoming assignments in the Daily Plan, versus adding notes to assignments in the Scheduler? Or would both of those be useful?


    I think both would be useful, but for me it would be more useful in the daily plan because I plan once a week. Thanks for listening, I hope someone else shares their thoughts.


    I could see both being useful too – there may be a few notes that I’d have right at the start of scheduling – like ‘do 2 chapters this week’ – or ‘watch the animated shakespeare version after this tale’ – that I’d want to setup right at the start of the year….

    But I could also see getting ready to print my nice little weekly (made from the daily)  to-do list (that you have added the nice W/F boxes on – thanks!) and have some notes I’d want for the opened up assignments that would be doing later in the week.

    You guys are great!


    I agree with suzukimom. Thrilled to see all the updates!


    I do the majority of my planning at the beginning of the year. I would love to be able to insert a note that says “Write a comparison of the character of ___ & _____.” right into my plan. However, being able to add them to upcoming assignments would be helpful for when I think of things on the fly. My vote is BOTH. Wink


    Me too  :)))

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