SCM Your Business Math – Success!

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  • Tristan

    I just had to share the math joy that is going on at my house thanks to SCM’s Your Business Math: Pet Store!


    That’s awesome! I’ve always thought that my 9yo would like that program mostly for the creativity aspect of it, but haven’t bought it yet. Something to consider for next year. BTW, he doesn’t hate math or anything, but it has definitely been a challenge for him.

    Sonya Shafer

    Your post makes me happy, Tristan. Smile


    My son enjoyed his journey through it last year as well. I’m thinking I’ll pull it out in the next 6 months to a year for my almost 10YO son to use. It is really a great product and the fact that it is non-consumable is wonderful for this Momma of 6. We have the Book Store e-version as my son is a bookaholic!


    We got the e-book too – it’s a great deal with lots of kids. However, I have several sons and they’re begging for a Lego store version…LOL. Oh well!


    Oh now mine would be all over that LEGO version, but I’m guessing the price would go way up due to licensing issues.


    If anyone is interested in buying this – PM me! I just don’t have time to fit it in to our schedule at this time!!


    I’m looking closely at it for next year, maybe.  But I’m not so sure — will my son be ready for it after Delta?  I suppose I could use it as a once a week thing, like Fridays for fun math…?  How are you/did you use it?  Which skills need to be really mastered — long division?  Ds still won’t have done percentages and fractions yet.  I think he’d like the sports store, my younger (who might be ready for it at the same time) would probably want the pet shop.  They will have to agree on one or the other.  Me, I want the book store…Oh to be able to have it all…


    4myboys – Makayla is in the middle of Delta (lesson 17) and is doing fine with this. I did have to explain percents a tiny bit and decimals so she knew where to put a decimal after multiplying (for example $55.20 x .06, which is 6 percent). Honestly, I was not planning on attempting it until she finished Delta. I was going to use it for a ‘break’ from MUS for two months. But since she’s so enthusiastic now I’m just going with it. She asks, I help, then she goes and does more on her own.


    Ah… thanks, Tristan!  I think that I will definately plan to use it towards the end of next year. We are aiming to start Delta in September with the oldest, (right now we are fast tracking through Gamma as a review) and I figure around the middle of the year my younger will hit Delta as well (he’s starting Gamma next week), so it just might work as a fun summer thing for them after that!

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