SCM with Truthquest Commentary

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  • binky

    Christie, have you looked into juicing? Maybe you already do. Just wondered. I have a friend with hashimotos. juicing seems to help with a lot of health issues.


    How did I miss this post? Lots of wisdom here. Thanks to everyone who contributed.

    Christie I’m another one who didn’t know you were struggling. I’m glad you mentioned it here because I would love to pray for you. I hope your new doctor will have the insight you need to begin to overcome this. Keep us posted?

    And I love that quote on your wall. Just *exactly* what I needed this morning. 



    I am a lot like you.  I am a planner!  I’ve been homeschooling since 1995 and have planned and tweaked every year to it’s death (I wish I could say life but it really wasn’t.)  This last year, I had everything planned out and then life hit:  My health went, my husband was deployed, my father in law and dad have terminal cancer, trying to deal with son’s learning disability, etc.  Every plan went out the window.  Guess what?  We had the best school year ever!  You know what we did, cosistantly – every morning we prayed, sang a hymn, read from the Bible, talked about it and prayed some more (We did Gen – Josh, and Revelations).  (And this is a testing year!)  But, I wouln’t give up this past year for anything!  We grew so much spritually and relationally.  My 11 year old son, really made his faith his own and is amazingly insitful when it comes to the Bible.  My 7 year old, accepted Christ as her savior.  My 21 year old, was encouraged by what she saw us doing and God is working in her in amazing ways too.  My dh, who is not a Christian,  thought, our year was a failure because we didn’t do much school.  But, from my perspective, we had TRUE school.  We can go forward (Judges…) with true knowledge because we have the proper foundation that is FIRMLY laid.  

    I hope this encourages you to fly by the Holy Spirit.  



    “fly by the Holy Spirit” — I like that Polly!


    Thank you, Polly! This is what our family needs to do this year.



    I love everything about this thread!  So encouraging!  Thank you!


    Sorry about my typos.  I was typing on my phone. Embarassed

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