SCM with Truthquest Commentary

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  • missceegee

    All right, I’m ready to hide under the covers for all of next year. I was all set to do 2 simple cycles with the SCM modules, starting each kid wherever we happen to be. We will be on module 6 next year with dd6th, ds3rd, ddk, ds2.5 years. The I ordered Truthquest Age of Revolution 2 & 3. I really like the commentary, though I find the books overwhelming.

    In our state, we have no HS requirements save 3 social studies, so I’m not overly worried where anyone ends up. I would LOVE to keep us all on the same cycle as I jus don’t think I can manage 2 or 3 or 4 different histories going at one time. I thought about taking every kid through the SCM modules once, starting wherever we are and then sending them on to TQ on their own for 7th- 12th. I’m not thrilled with that idea. I don’t mind the older doing the majority of work on her own, but I would miss the discussions.

    I don’t know how best to mesh the 2 and I’m not sure my brain is up to it. Anyone have plans worked out for this?

    This coming year I will have a 6th, a 3rd, a kindy and a 2.5 year old. I really do feel like running and hiding right now. I’d gladly pay someone to finish my plan if I could figure out just what I want.

    Thought? Help? Premade plans to share? Commiserate? All welcome.



    Christie, can I come hide with you? 🙂 it is really hard when you find several things you would like to do. Last year I did a prepared curriculum. Much easier but much more expensive(I Think) and as everyone else has mentioned, we all tend to tweak it. I am also trying to combineTQ and SCM. I love what I see in both. But don’t really know how to do it. We also have no HS requirements. It is really based on college requirements wherever a child chooses to go. Our state colleges seem to require what our PS requires but ultimately I think you could get in most places if your act/sat scores are high enough no matter what you take. I may be wrong but the testing scores sure seem to be the deciding factor.

    But back to TQ, someone on another post said to go through the guides and look for the “don’t miss this one books” and then I guess if you have topics that interest your kids you could use more of the books listed for that specific topic. My problem is more of the time it takes to gather the books, you have to decide what books you want to use( but you don’t really know which ones you might like best cause there is no time to look at them all) then you have to see if library has them, If not maybe the goodwilll bookstore has them, then if not there you have to decide if you want to buy them( what if you don’t like the one you buy and you want to try a different one, what then? Maybe I am making it harder than it should be. Hopefully we will get some help!


    Christie.  I know how you like to have all the details ironed out.  In advance.  For the foreseeable future.  Sometimes, however, the Spirit does not work that way.  I am going to recommend that you take a big, deep breath.  Then that you calmly try to write out pros and cons lists for the way you had already planned, AND for the way you are thinking of changing.  Then I think you should pray over it, ask for guidance, put it away for a few days and move on to doing something else.  Let it percolate.  Give yourself some time to hear guidance.  Don’t pick the issue back up until you no longer want to run and hide.  🙂  I hope that this will help you to see more clearly and feel more sure of identifying where you are supposed to go.  “But if not,”  🙂  I have to tell you–this is one issue that the Lord used to teach me to learn to walk in the dark.  You don’t even have your kids at high school level yet.  There is SO much that is going to change between now and then.  It won’t be just your kids now, only taller.  There will be BIG differences and you can’t see now what they are.  They might have passions and interests that will help you determine what to do.  Their skills will be different.  It will be quite possible for them to mostly learn on their own and still discuss a lot with you.  Or maybe some great thing is coming that will solve all your problems that you’ll want to switch to.  I don’t know–and neither do you.  Hypothetical “What will I do in eight years” can drive you nuts.  That’s not what the Lord wants.  He has a nice peaceful garden for you to walk in–but there’s an admission fee–trust.  I hope that the process I outlined above will help.  But it’s possible it won’t.  None of us can really tell you what YOU ought to do.  The Lord can–but you need to spend some time listening for Him–and He may prefer to lead you along while shining only a little light on the path.  (Good time to sing Lead, Kindly Light.) 

    Hugs–I know this is hard because I have done this every few years for my homeschooling “life.” 

    Michelle D

    Christie, I’m sorry it’s overwhelming. I know the feeling, and I know Bookworm is right. I have to make myself slow down and listen to that voice of God. It’s there, and it’s peace giving.

    Truthquest is wonderful material. When I bought it last year, I simply just couldn’t do ALL of it with SCM. In the end, it was better that I sprinkled TQ commentary whenever it felt right. It helped me to use the commentaries as my own personal biblical lens to see history through. It was great for me to read to myself and share when appropriate. I plan to keep these commentaries for using when the kids are high school in a couple of years and use as we cover that part of history again.

    Just my experience. I’m sure there are more detailed ways of applying TQ, but I find that the more simple the better for me!


    Thanks for the encouragement, ladies.

    Michele, you have me totally pegged. Your advice is being printed and tacked above my desk. The thing with me is that I am a planner and I like to plan in detail. I AM completely fine with changing the plan or throwing it out later, but I like to start with a good plan. I am going to take your advice and lay it before the Lord and wait.

    I should add that I’m already confident that the SCM modules are enough. We just add in books here and there based on interest or substitute for a book that isn’t working. I make these changes with ease. I just can’t see how to add the TQ commentary into the mix. I wish it was scheduled into the module guides for me. 😉 I suppose I’ll lay this at the Lord’s feet, too, and wait.

    Waiting on the Lord is good & it strengthens me. Time to run and wait.





    I have much empathy for you…sorry you’re struggling! I honestly think I’ve lost sleep over how to schedule history cycles.  How sad is that?!!  But the Lord is good and will bring peace as you seek it.  I’ve finally relaxed about it.  I think it was Notgrass? where I read older kids had a Friday discussion time w/mom.  Maybe that and writing out some answers to the ThinkWrite qu. would help w/independence?  And youngers could tag along to same cycle? Just a thought.  I pray that you feel peace and not rushed to make decisions. As long as we’re seeking the Lord first in our homes these things will pale in comparison in light of Eternity (as I need to keep in mind more myself!!) Blessings, Gina


    Christie, it’s easy to diagnose a condition when you have it yourself.  Laughing  My family calls it “spinning.”  I go over and over and over something, to anyone who will listen—“I could do this, but then this would happen in junior year and  . . . .maybe I could do this instead . . . but then they won’t be together”–I have totally done this.  I have many, many sheets of paper I’ve covered with possible schedules and combinations and ideas . . . and now here I am, still planning what my middle son will do for history in September.  LOL  I don’t even know how many times I’ve changed my mind, and that’s just for history.  So I totally understand, AND I still think planning is good–I still do it!  But it seemed to me you might be heading to “spinning” territory, and since I’m a recovering “spinner”–LOL  Maybe we need a 12 Steps group. 

    You are so good at this already (LOOK at all the detailed work you’ve already done already to give your kids a great education!) that I am confident if you shear away some of the anxiety you’ll be able to hear and get it figured out.  I do have to say–often, if I am contemplating making a move in one direction, if I just get “static” back–if I feel very confused and just can’t see how the change I am making is going to work–if I feel disturbed and confused, if I back away a bit until I feel calmer, it works better.  It seems to me to be perhaps a way to communicate to me that I need to wait (which I rarely like to hear, lol).  I also would like to have it all figured out  NOW.  In fact, one day recently I found myself arguing with myself over which curriculum my GRANDCHILDREN should use—-and I don’t even have any yet!!!!!!!!!  Ack.  Find the solid ground, wait until you are calm, objectively look at the changes you are contemplating–and you’ll know what to do.  You are already doing a terrific job.


    Doug, we really need to get a Facebook style like button here on the forum, cuz then I could like everything Bookworm has said in her posts above. =) Thank you, coming from another compulsive planner….



    This reminds me of an excerpt from The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom (as a little girl she was exposed to death and was afraid):

    Father sat down at the edge of the narrow bed. “Corrie,” he began gently, “when you and I go to Amsterdam – when do I give you your ticket?”

    I sniffed a few times, considering this.

    “Why, just before we get on the train.”

    “Exactly. And our wise Father in heaven knows when we’re going to need things, too. Don’t run out ahead of Him, Corrie. When the time comes that some of us will have to die, you will look into your heart and you will find the strength you need – just in time.”

    (last page in Chapter 2)

    The Lord will give you the strength, the discussions, the ideas, and the resources your homeschool needs…just in time.


    Gina, my oldest is 11 and does great with both independent and family work. The issue right now is waiting for me for family work. I’m either too tired or too behind or the brain fog with my Hashimoto’s is too thick or too whatever to be consistent. She asked if she could finish Stories of the Nations on her own since I was unable to do it consistently. I said sure, even though it means ds8 will miss it. I figure it’s better that she take from the feast what she’s ready for than wait for me to prepare the plate for her. I truly don’t mind her doing most or even all of her work independently and neither would she. What I would miss if she were in a different time period than my little kids is knowing enough to converse intelligently with her. I’m learning alongside these kiddos of mine. I will admit that I would love some teacher cheat sheets like in Tapestry of Grace or something as right now I cannot read ahead. It’s all I can do to hold the grades 1-3 info in my brain. I’m very hopeful to be on the way to recovering my full mental capacity, but right now the fog is too thick. 

    Spinning, I like that term, Michele. It’s like the spinning beach ball of death on my Mac. Nothing happens when it appears. Fortunately, it’s a rare occurance. A couple of things have already occured to me – I like the SCM modules and the way they’re all together, even if I don’t do the family work, everyone is in the same cycle and that’s worked well for me from the get-go. I can easily add or substitute books as need be. I am learning with the kids and can at least keep up with 1 history cycle. I am not changing that, at least not for next year. I’m working to recover my health and sticking with what I know and have enjoyed makes much more sense for the time being. Another big thing – I own every book needed for SCM module 6 for all of my kiddos. Also, I think the Lord is already telling me to put aside TQ for this year, don’t even look at it. I’m still waiting, but this is already a clear impression and one my hubby would be in agreement with. Use what’s working well, recover my health, enjoy my kids and be content. I’m adding my dd5 to the mix and that whole beginning reading phase takes a lot, too. Oh and let’s not forget my little 2.5 year old Hoover who will need to be potty trained in the coming months and obviously takes a lot of effort for habit training at the time being. 

    Just putting it out there, being encouraged, knowing I’m not the only one – the Lord has used you ladies this day. Thank you.



    PS – As a side note, a friend from a co-op I belonged to before starting my own just sent me an email and is looking for some more kids to join a few of their classes. One of them is science exactly like what I wanted for dd11 – a smorgasboard with loads of experiments. It’s available to both my dd11 and ds8. While it would add drive time to my schedule, which I’m not fond of, it would completely relieve me of that burden for the year and the kids would L.O.V.E. it! I’m prayerfully considering it. It would give me an uninteruppted hour with my littles. We could also make this Nature Study day since we’ll be out already. Hmm…possibilities.


    Janell – I love the story of Corrie ten Boom. Have you seen the quote on my school room wall. (Sorry, it doesn’t want to scale smaller.)


    Awesome, Christie!

    How wonderful it will be to meet Corrie ten Boom in Heaven!

    My very social dd is all of a sudden wanting to read everything to herself (hormones ?). With seven children, I was worried that I wouldn’t have enough time for her to discuss with me her reading. Then it was put on my heart to make this little lady of mine my running partner in the morning making it the most focused discussion time for us. And I try to keep just a bit ahead of her by reading her material the night before. I use to worry that I wasn’t books ahead of her, but now I see that it helps me to have the current chapters fresh in my mind too. Perfect for both of us…just in time.


    Janell and Christie, I love your posts on corrie ten boom. I have been desperately trying to find summer reading for my 15 year old daughter and y’all have led me right to it. And I think I will join her. This would be a great reread for me as I read it years ago as a young person. I have also had it placed on my heart for my daughter and me to run together. 🙂 as I pull her out of PS this year she is having to forego running on a very successful XC team. She is not happy about giving up her running buddies but I am hoping that we can develop a mother/daughter bond that will be lasting. I would love prayers that God would work in this area of our lives.

    Christie-I did not realize you were struggling physically. My prayers go up for you and I commend you on your dedication! You have helped me a lot as I have read your comments to my posts as well as to others posts. Thank you so much!



    Christie, sorry you’re not feeling well. That has to be challenging.  I’d never know you have brain fog by how wise your posts are and by looking at your amazing schedules.  Hope you get feeling better soon. Glad you’re feeling more peace! Blessings, Gina


    Thank you, Gina. My health has actually taken quite a nosedive since I was diagnosed in Feb. I had trained for and ran a 5K in early March and was feeling good, but I’ve been unable to exercise at all since early May. I have 0 energy and too many other symptoms to list. However, I’ve just met with a new doctor and I’m certain he will help me on the track to restoring my health. It’s crazy how much the little thyroid gland is involved with. 

    Blessings to you as well.


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