SCM sale-should I do it?!

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  • Vanna

    I’d love advice from other CM’ers here- I really find so much help on this blog/forum. I have a 3rd grader and a K’er and we have been using a Waldorf-inspired program up until this year for my oldest. My youngest will continue with the Waldorf program we already own, but I am transitioning my oldest to a more CM method and it’s going really well. It seems to be a great method to use at this point after using Waldorf.

    For our upcoming year (4th) we plan to use CM entirely, as I’m slowly incorporating more elements now. Some elements we will also add to my youngest’s day as well. I have purchased resources for US History, World History (CHOW) and other living books for science, copy work, and grammar.

    The sale looks really good for picture study, science, nature journaling, and Spelling Wisdom. But I’m not sure if it will cover what we need for math and history…

    In this case, is the $299 package worth it? Would I be able to use it entirely for our upcoming 4th grade year without adding much else? What else would I need to add to it to create a full CM 4th grade year? I’m thinking seem living books, but what about math? Is the pet shop/sports shop math enough, used with Life of Fred (I already own the package)? Would buying the package reduce the number of other living books I would need for history, science, and Lang arts? I love using PDFs for our homeschool, it is my preferred method. I’m really hoping to use the library less and order physical books less often.

    Thanks for any guidance!


    There is the history guides, and anything written by SCM for history (that is available as an ebook)…  there would be some other books you would need to get, depending on the module, etc.   The nice thing is you’d have the guides for all your years, not just next year (and whatever books SCM had…)

    For Math, the Shop Math is good for about grade 4, but I’m not sure it would take all year….


    There is the history guides, and anything written by SCM for history (that is available as an ebook)…  there would be some other books you would need to get, depending on the module, etc.   The nice thing is you’d have the guides for all your years, not just next year (and whatever books SCM had…)

    For Math, the Shop Math is good for about grade 4, but I’m not sure it would take all year….


    Okay, while there are several things in the package that you could use for 4th, you will need to add several things depending on your plan for each subject.  Math will not be sufficiently covered.  The petshop/sports store/bookshop resource is a great supplement but they are all essentially dentical except for the theme.  I plan to use the pet ship one once a week with my 4th and 7th graders next year.  Also, depending on where your 4th grader is in math he may not have covered the concepts covered.  

    There are several mod 1 resources that you could use if you plan to start with ancient Egypt, but there are a few others you will need to find elsewhere.  Some of the guides are being revised, so take into consideration.

    You will likely use some of the picture study portfolios this year, the rest you could use in the future.  Note that the quality of prints will not be as high if you go the download route.  Some people just view them on their computer screen.

    If you plan to use Jackson insects you may have science covered, depending on what you expect.  The other science resources will probably be too young.

    You will probably use spelling wisdom book 1.  There may be copywork booklets that you can use this year, too.  Certainly there would be things you could use with both your children in the coming years.

    If you don’t have Planning Your CM Education or Laying Down the rails I highly recommend them.  Many of the teachers resources are well worth it.

    I think the deal is really good over the long term, but you need to consider if it fits in your budget.  If you use only $100 – $150 worth of it this year, is that okay with you, and if you don’t find the products to be what you want/need them to be, is that okay with you?


    Okay, while there are several things in the package that you could use for 4th, you will need to add several things depending on your plan for each subject.  Math will not be sufficiently covered.  The petshop/sports store/bookshop resource is a great supplement but they are all essentially dentical except for the theme.  I plan to use the pet ship one once a week with my 4th and 7th graders next year.  Also, depending on where your 4th grader is in math he may not have covered the concepts covered.  

    There are several mod 1 resources that you could use if you plan to start with ancient Egypt, but there are a few others you will need to find elsewhere.  Some of the guides are being revised, so take into consideration.

    You will likely use some of the picture study portfolios this year, the rest you could use in the future.  Note that the quality of prints will not be as high if you go the download route.  Some people just view them on their computer screen.

    If you plan to use Jackson insects you may have science covered, depending on what you expect.  The other science resources will probably be too young.

    You will probably use spelling wisdom book 1.  There may be copywork booklets that you can use this year, too.  Certainly there would be things you could use with both your children in the coming years.

    If you don’t have Planning Your CM Education or Laying Down the rails I highly recommend them.  Many of the teachers resources are well worth it.

    I think the deal is really good over the long term, but you need to consider if it fits in your budget.  If you use only $100 – $150 worth of it this year, is that okay with you, and if you don’t find the products to be what you want/need them to be, is that okay with you?

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