Hi, I’m brand new to CM method, in fact, I just ordered from SCM the Gen-Deut history and Spelling Wisdom. I’ve been searching for blogs from other homeschoolers who specifically use materials from and follow SCM, but everything I’ve found follow Ambelside Online. Just wondering if anyone here has a blog and writes about their homeschool experiences following SCM. If so, I would love to read it! Thanks in advance
I have a blog, but it is not totally dedicated to homeschooling. I have blogged about our experiences w/ SCM and our curriculum choices, as well as random bits here and there regarding our schooling. I have never used anything from AO, so maybe you’ll find something that helps you out. Everything I’ve ever written about homeschooling Charlotte Mason-style is under the tag home education.
Like Lindsey, I have a blog that is not dedicated completely to homeschooling. I do use SCM and talk about it, tweaking the methods to fit our family, etc. You can find my blog here. If you look at the specific categories on the sidebar, you will see some ideas on how I incorporate CM methods for those subjects.
I have to admit that SCM gave me the final push to using CM for the rest of our school years. They make it so accessible, understandable, inviting, and are so encouraging to all of us here. =)
Not long ago, someone on this forum pointed out that clicking on a Member’s gravatar (or the little picture above your name) will quite often link you to a blog, if that information was entered by the member. So, my suggestion would be to check the members who post replies that tend to encourage/help you.
My blog is a hit/miss kind of project. We used SCM’s Module 4 last year, but we are currently studying Texas history in a fashion similar to SCM suggestions. Last year wasn’t blogged. But, I do have some poetry/nature study/fine arts, etc. type posts that are based on suggestions made by SCM. It won’t be specifically SCM, but it’s planned out according to suggestions found in the Planning Your CM Education, FWIW.
Bless you for your posting of your Total Money Makeover totals on your blog. My husband and I have started Bible study at 5:30 each morning and the first thing we “studied” was our debt and what the Bible teaches us. Thank you for the inspiration and complete openess about the actual number. Our numbers match up pretty closely, except we are only on our first rung of the debt snowball. Congratulations to you and I will pray for you as well. I encourage anyone who has debt to seek the Lord. We learned to recognize our sin of idolotry to money and are in the process of overcoming it. It has been the greatest weight off of my shoulders. Simplicity reigns in every area of life – in homeschool, in finances, in bible study…you name it. Simplicity clears the mind like no other. In this crazy rat race world, I encourage everyone to just say “no” to extra, unnecessary things of all sorts and focus on the aboundant beauty that is wrapped up in our children.
I know this post isn’t about a personal blog, but I just wanted to tell Lindsey thanks for being so transparent. It is encouraging. Nice homeschool room by the way. We too are blessed with a room just for our school materials. 🙂
Earlier this year, I did a series on my personal blog about what education looks
like in our home using Charlotte Mason’s methods. I began the series with posts about the philosophy followed by posts on how we “do” each subject. We use many SCM products and books and loosely follow their curriculum guide.
Here is a list of all of the posts if you’d like to take a peek:
Not long ago, someone on this forum pointed out that clicking on a Member’s gravatar (or the little picture above your name) will quite often link you to a blog, if that information was entered by the member.
You can tell if someone has added a link to her profile by looking at the screen name below her avatar. If the screen name is green and bold that means there is a link. Most people link to their personal blog, but it could also be to a social media profile or a favorite site.
You’re sweet! I’m happy to report that we’ve been debt-free for about 18 months now! Unfortunately, I deleted the email account that I used when I started the blog, so I can no longer update the sidebars. I can post, but nothing else. It’s frustrating! Here is the post announcing that we are debt-free: http://todayindietzville.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-debt-free-post.html?m=0
LindseyD, congratulations again! That is amazing and I am happy for you! I like your sentence “Debt steals joy.” It certainly does. I will need your debt-free post for inspiration. 🙂
Read Lindsey’s sweet post in the Avoiding Over Scheduling thread. You’ll get an idea of what a day/week/year can be like while following SCM simplicity.
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