I have been comparing MFW and SCM. I reallt like the individual studies and enrichment from SCM and I am thinking about using those with MFW Bible, history, and science. I’m wondering if the history and science is more work or takes more time with MFW than SCM for grades 4-12? Can anyone share their experience ? Especially if you think there would be time to do SCM and MFW as I am thinking from grades 4-12? Thanks
I’ve used both curriculums, although I don’t know what SCM science you are thinking of using? I would say they take about the same amount of time – it’s more a matter of philosophy. MFW involves a lot of things that aren’t really CM in teaching style. I really enjoy their format and focus, though, so I would say you could adjust some things in their program to make it more CM friendly. Either program will take you about 4 hours per day total. You can add to that if you desire with your independent reading selections.
I have used both. Time wise, they are about the same. MFW is not fully CM in style, but does incorporate some. I think that SCM gives more flexibility. MFW has the lovely grids and checklists which some people really love. Pray about it and see which is best for your family.