Can anyone share and explain how they go about history the SCM way. I am currently using Module 1 ( Ancient Egypt…) and we love it! However, do we do all the lessons until completed and then move on to Module 2, 3 and thru 6? Also, should I supplement the American history or would this be too much? My husband was concerned that it may be too much. I read the sample story of Christopher Columbus from Stories of America and my boys really enjoyed it! I read it on the days we weren’t doing History from Module 1. Does this make sense to do? Should I implement Stories of America to cover American History? Would this be confusing to my 9 and 6 year old? Sorry for so many questions, but I truly don’t know. I have a structured and by the book way of thinking. I tend to function better when matters are laid out and are to the point/straightforward. Which is one reason I appreciate the SCM lessons and modules. I just need to understand what would be an effective and beneficial way to approach History.
It’s all up to you:) I personally don’t like to overload and think the modules are plenty on their own…with maybe an extra book thrown in here and there. I wouldn’t add a whole spine like Stories of America to a module(unless it was just to read a story hear and there for fun). If I wanted to study American History I would just move on to Module 5 or 6 and then rotate back to the beginning after that. Just what I would do:) Blessings, Gina