SCM Modules Clarification

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  • shannon


    Can anyone share and explain how they go about history the SCM way.  I am currently using Module 1 ( Ancient Egypt…) and we love it!  However, do we do all the lessons until completed and then move on to Module 2, 3 and thru 6? Also, should I supplement the American history or would this be too much?  My husband was concerned that it may be too much.  I read the sample story of Christopher Columbus from Stories of America and my boys really enjoyed it!  I read it on the days we weren’t doing History from Module 1.  Does this make sense to do?  Should I implement Stories of America to cover American History?  Would this be confusing to my 9 and 6 year old?  Sorry for so many questions, but I truly don’t know.  I have a structured and by the book way of thinking.  I tend to function better when matters are laid out and are to the point/straightforward.  Which is one reason I appreciate the SCM lessons and modules.  I just need to understand what would be an effective and beneficial way to approach History.




    It’s all up to you:) I personally don’t like to overload and think the modules are plenty on their own…with maybe an extra book thrown in here and there. I wouldn’t add a whole spine like Stories of America to a module(unless it was just to read a story hear and there for fun). If I wanted to study American History I would just move on to Module 5 or 6 and then rotate back to the beginning after that. Just what I would do:) Blessings, Gina


    Thank you Gina!!  So relieved to hear that!  Keep it SIMPLE, right? Lol!


    Yes. I’m one who has made it way too difficult in the past and have learned my lesson:) I read a quote once that has stuck w/me:

    “A curriculum that gets done is far superior to a superior curriculum that doesn’t get done.”

    Sometimes I over plan and then get frustrated for not completing it all, but if it’s simple and enjoyable it seems to be retained more. Just my .02:) 

    Alicia Hart

    Could not agree more with mom2mom……I had to learn the hard way as well regarding keeping things simple!

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