SCM Modules

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  • lovinghomeschool

    I am interested in the SCM Modules for Bible, History, and Geography.  I would love to hear more details about them! Laughing

    My children are 9, 7, 6, & 4.  We have used My Father’s World first three programs and tried Heart of Dakota.  My dd6 will continue with the MFW Grade 1 program.  I have been implementing more and more narration since September and find that the CM focus on scripture fits me well.  

    My oldest is interested in American History.  I don’t know if I should factor that in for a starting place or not.

    I am wondering where a good place to start in the Modules would be for our situation.  Should I start in the first one?  Does it make a difference where we start?  Suggestions?

    Thank you!


    lovinghomeschool, I have used the Module system with my children for three years now, and it has made our homeschool experience so much simpler. I started at the very beginning, both because it made sense to me and because my children were 7 and 5 at the time. They are 9 and 7 now, and we are 2/3 of the way through Module 3. No matter which module you start with, I think you’ll be happy. I know you mentioned keeping your 6yo on MFW, but may I suggest that you transition your entire homeschool over to the modules, if you end up using them? It will make your job of planning and teaching easier, and you can keep history, Bible, and geography family subjects, as they should be.

    The reason the SCM modules are designed the way they are is because Charlotte was for teaching history chronologically. I wanted my children to learn history this way, which is why we started in Module 1. You could always provide your oldest with books on American History, even if they are not part of your formal history studies. I have done that with my 9yo, who is interested in WW2. I don’t even schedule these “extra” books as school work; I just buy him the books and he reads them at his leisure. That promotes a love of learning and self-education as well, I think.

    Anyway, my suggestion for you would be to start from the beginning. 

    Hope that helps,


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