SCM Module Bible Question

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  • MelissaB

    I just need some words of wisdom here. We are going to be starting module 4 this year. We completed module 1 two years ago and this past school year I planned to complete modules 2 & 3, however we only got the history/geography portion of module 2 completed due to some health issues one of my children has and then we did a rough overview of the Romans this summer. We are part way through the bible portion of module 2 and I’m just not sure if I should continue with the bible portion from module 2, then complete bible module 3, then start the bible in module 4. If we do bible everyday, we can get all the way through during this school year (Lord willing). We do our scripture memory and morning devotional each day, but sometimes the bible lessons are a bit long. The reason I’m skipping ahead to module 4 is that my oldest is in 10th grade and I want to get through all the history modules before she graduates and I’m less worried about Roman history so we just read some books this summer to get a little feel for that era.

    Any words of wisdom? I just feel bogged down looking at doing bible every day along with our daily history/geography reading. We have tried to read at night with dad, but for some reason that never seems to work out, so it’s best to do it during the school day. I feel guilty even asking this question because I feel like I’m making it less important than the rest of school.


    Sometimes the 2 longer chapters a day make me cringe and then I just don’t do any of it. Sigh. I’ll join the guilty feeling party. We got individual scripture study packets for the kids that go with our general history period that we are doing and on days that I can’t fit in that extra study, I have the kids do those on their own. I do stay on top of where they are and we do family scripture readings in the evening (sometimes one verse per person depending on the day – but it maintains a habit of actually doing it).

    She could also complete any of the SCM Bible studies on her own while you are going through the Bible as a family (does that make sense?) narrating to you for further insight.

    All that to say: since the Bible is one book that your dd will continue to read throughout her life, why not just keep reading where you are and finish it. Don’t stress about it being another check-off that you missed, just make sure that you read it a little bit every day, even if it is only one verse! =)


    I am having the same struggle.  The chapters are long, no offense to the Bible translators, but…..We have been known to read only one chapter then add the other chapter (of the Bible) to the next lesson that is shorter or varies enough in content to be able to digest it all in one day.  Once in awhile, we will do the readings in the same day, but that is rare.  I’m thinking of having my oldest read the Bible readings that would fit into one week on his own and narrate, then read from the Children’s Story Bible with my younger two.  They are not unfamiliar with most of the Bible stories, so “digging deeper” is my goal right now. 

    Evening readings are pretty much out of the question for us, too.  Unfortunately that is how it is, so I try to work it all out in the daytime. 

    I’ve thought about skipping the Bible portion altogether and doing something else with my dc, but I haven’t exactly looked around for anything.  My thoughts were to have my oldest continue with Discovering Doctrine and then do a Bible Study by SCM, just not sure which one but then have to think of something for my other two. That’s when I just figure it’s probably best to just have my oldest read the lesson readings/narrate and do what I mentioned already with my other dc.

    What I need is simple and I believe just reading and narrating from the Bible is simplest, but I just need to spread it out over the week…maybe taking a look ahead would help (thinking out loud here) and scheduling the Bible portion separately from the actual lesson.  Hope that made sense.


    Thanks for your thoughts and taking your time to respond to my question ladies. 🙂

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