For those in Pennsylvania, if I follow module 1 as written, muth u see, and apologia … Am I covering my bases for PA law? My daughter is going into 2nd grade. Thank you for clarification and input.
I’m not following an SCM module, but I am sure you will have covered what is needed for PA law. I have been homeschooling since 1997, and I have not run into any major problems. Is there something in particular that you are concerned about? I could answer your question better if I know what you may be concerned about. PA law is not as difficult as some make it sound.
I don’t necessarily have a particular concern. I guess I just want to make sure I’m covering everything they require by simply just following the SCM materials and curriculum layout. Although, I dont’ think of it as curriculum really. Like I won’t be doing state or U.S. history until module 6, I believe. Will this be okay? From my understanding, PA law doesn’t scare me. Finding the right evaluator has me more concerned because I have heard such varied “reviews” of different perspectives of evaluator expectations.
I’ve never had any problems with evaluators. In fact, my evaluator contradicted the ps principal who dealt with homeschoolers for years, until he retired. He claimed that every branch of history should be covered every year (which, by the way, is false). The law requires each one to be covered sometime, I believe, up until 7th grade. Not every year. I guess that principal didn’t really know the law, or he just wanted to exercise some authority. He was actually a friendly man, but if he got this ‘bee in his bonnet’, he would argue a little bit. He did not come across anti-homeschooling. So, many of us in this district would just keep the peace, and, for PA history, would go on a field trip to a museum. My evaluator said that we did not have to cover them all every year. The principal who deals with homeschoolers now (a Christian, and homeschool friendly), seems more concerned about fire safety:) My evaluator told me that. So, you may get differing opinions. Maybe someone else can reassure you better than I can, but I believe you will be fine doing an SCM module. You just need to add the health and fire safety, and art and PE. I’m sure SCM would cover everything else. Just keep a good log and a booklist. They like to see lots of books being read. HTH
I’ve wandered this about Ohio because their laws say Geography; history of the United States and Ohio; and national, state and local government but I’d like to do Module 1. Everyone keeps telling me not to worry about it so I’m just going to go with what I want I think.
I know this is an older thread, but I just wanted to chime in and say I think you will be fine. I evaluate and basically beyond the things required in the portfolio, I’m looking “Is this child making progress?” That’s it. If you want to do PA history every year it is easy to do a short field trip and cross it off. PA history is everywhere :o)
You are correct that you just need to find an evaluator that has an understanding of your vision for homeschooling. Hopefully the law will change that superintendents will not be involved in the portfolio process next year.
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