SCM Math Book 4


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  • Emma

    I am sorry if this is somewhere obvious – when are Book 4 and 5 due to come out?



    Karen Smith

    Book 4 is in the testing stage, then will enter the long editing process. Book 5 is still being written.

    We don’t have an estimated date of release for books 4 and 5. We will announce on our email list when each book is available for purchase.


    I need book 4 by 2022, do you think that will be possible?

    Karen Smith

    Book 4 is written and has just started the long process of getting it ready to publish. We will announce when it is available for purchase in our weekly email and on our Facebook group.


    Hi, is there any update on how long the publishing process will take? I see the last update was 6 months ago.

    Thank you!

    Karen Smith

    Book 4 is still in the publishing stage. At this time we do not have a projected date for release.


    How do we get on the email list for notification?

    Karen Smith

    At the bottom of each page on the SCM website there is a place to sign up for our weekly emails.

    Amanda Kowalski

    Hello, I understand you will notify by email when this book is available, however my child just completed book 3 and now I am needing to decide what to use next soon.  Can you say if book 4 will be published soon, or if it would be wise to choose a new curriculum?  Thanks in advance

    Amanda Kowalski

    Follow up question would be if you recommend a specific math curriculum and what level would be equivalent to book 4?  Thank you!

    Tamara Bell

    Hi Amanda,

    At this time, our current recommendation is Math-U-See or Right Start Mathematics.  Both companies have placement guides available on their website to help you determine where to best place your student.  Because each curriculum has a different scope and sequence, it is difficult to give an exact placement.



    I am preparing for a new school year and my child is ready for book 4 of SCM math. I realize you will email when it is ready but my question is; will it be ready soon or should I invest in another math curriculum? She really like your math and would prefer to use it!

    Karen Smith

    Math Book 4 is very close to being sent to the printer. Because of supply chain issues and a backlog at the printer, printed copies will not be available for several months. However, we will have it available as an ebook soon.


    That is great Karen! My son is on the last few weeks of book 3 and we would like to stick with this series.

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