SCM Math Book 1 am I pushing hard enough?

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    <p style=”text-align: center;”>My 6.5 year old boy has a very low attention span. I probably have a good ten minutes with him before I “lose” his attention. We’ve been doing SCM math book 1 for a little over a year now (with lots of breaks). He loves math, counting, and exploring numbers on his own. He never uses manipulatives until I tell him to use them to find an answer. This means he may spend some time on one problem. The good: he uses mental math often, loves what he’s doing, and seems to have fun. He’s also memorizing each fact family because of his method of only thinking it through. My concern: he’s only on number 14. I’m a little worried I’m not encouraging him to use manipulatives enough. Or maybe I’m missing something else that would help our lessons get along a little faster? Maybe I need to just let him keep going?</p>

    Meaghan Mulhall

    I think I would be inclined to start with the recommended manipulatives for the lesson out already, do the first few problems with them, then allow him to ask to put them away if needed. Also, if he is at the stage of writing numbers, allowing him to write out the problem to maintain attention or select number cards to represent the numbers if he is not, can focus attention. This is what helped my daughter a lot through book one. Also, when you see attention flagging, turn to the mental math questions and do some in a lively manner. If you see his attention returning, then continue on with the lesson; if not, put it away for the day. A strong foundation with a good attitude done slowly is much better than fast progress done shakily with poor attention or attitude.


    Ohhhh number cards I love that. Thank you for this.

    Meaghan Mulhall


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