SCM in Australia – shipping resources/costs

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  • Lauren

    Hi all. Just wondering if anyone else is doing SCM from Australia. Really interested in getting some of the resources suggested on the website but shipping is very expensive. Are there other places we can source them? I’ve tried but they aren’t available through that. It would cost me $45 to get “Laying Down the Rails” and “The Early Years” just in postage. It’s more than the cost of the books! Any help appreciated:)

    Mum In Zion

    Hi there,  I’m Australian but living in Israel.  Shipping to Israel is also very expensive, so I have purchased most of my SCM books as ebooks.  Many I read from the computer or iPad, such as Laying Down the Rails and The Early Years books.  But the Handbooks for History/Geography/Bible, I print a Term at a time so I can make notes on the side.

    Many of the book read in connection with the History modules I have been able to find either at the library or purchase from Book Depository.

    Hope that helps.



    Thanks Michelle,

    I’m not a fan of Ebooks. I like the real thing! Better that than nothing though I guess. Thanks for your suggestion.



    Hello from South Australia, I have just gone ahead and paid the shipping costs, I haven’t found anything like SCM from Australian suppliers, and we have not been disappointed 🙂

    I hope that helps



    Thanks Kelly. So glad you’ve been so pleased with it and recommend it:) Thanks for your comment.

    Doug Smith

    Another opton would be to combine an order with friends. It’s the first item that costs the most to ship and then it’s incremental from there so larger orders spread out the shipping cost. 


    Okay. Thanks Doug. I’ve just purchased an ebook and was quite happy with printing it myself and getting it bound. It works out quite reasonable and I can read the hard copy still rather than on computer:) Just found a friend who is doing SCM so we might look to do a bulk order together in the future:)

    Thanks so much for your comment.

    Lisa George

    Lauren, I’m a Sydney sider in the same boat. Are you anywhere near me?


    Hi Ellejay,

    No sorry, Melbourne. That would have been nice! I have found the ebooks good though and printing them off because I can’t stand reading on computer. They are cheaper that way too:)

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