SCM History/Bible Genesis-Deut, Joshua-Malachi question?

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  • Amy

    Has anyone used these?  I purchased them after long hours of debating because I wanted a curriculum that combined history and bible together and went through chronologically.  However after going through them it doesn’t look like you read the whole OT is this correct?  I was under the impression that the whole OT would be read and covered.  Am I not seeing this or am I missing something?  Thanks for your help!  Just trying to get planning for next year. (we start our new year in July 🙂


    You go through the whole OT, but some parts are omitted. I liked that they did that….it was already quite a bit of reading to keep up with!


    I am so disappointed, I was misinformed because I wanted to cover the whole OT. I have older kids and wanted it to be more complete. 🙁


    Sorry it’s not what you thought. You could still do that. Just a bit more work for you:)

    How old are your kids? My Father’s World High School covers the whole OT in one year alongside ancient history(geared for 9th grade). You could maybe stretch it over two and add in some extra SCM books…but of course neither option is open and go….


    Is what’s excluded repetition?

    I’ve decided to use my chronological Bible as a spine next year – because i want to do it chronologically, but not repeat anything. Investinging in a Chronological Bible might be worth it for you.

    Doug Smith

    Sorry about the misunderstanding, Amy.

    The historical readings follow the historical narrative of the OT. It is meant to be a study of history from a Biblical perspective but not necessarily a Bible study, though it can be part of one. Some of the non-history sections are skipped along with sections that some families may not want to cover until their children are older.

    However, part of the assigned work for older students will be doing Bible studies like Discovering Doctrine, which will have them read through the entire Bible.

    If that doesn’t work for your situation we would be happy to refund your purchase in full. We will get in touch to see what works best for you and work out the details. 


    Yes I had wanted to use my Bible as a spine and build around it with history going on during that time.  But was hoping to find something to reduce my work load since I have several children.  Preschool, middle school, high school.  (You get my drift) 🙂  I had looked at MFW but it is so expensive and I couldn’t do it with my older kids together like I would like.  MS & HS grades… I got the Discovering Doctrine but haven’t gone through that yet. Does that coincide with the history to cover the whole OT in the Gen.-Malachi series?  We were hoping to cover the whole OT along with history together and were planning on combining the 2 books into one year.  I guess I’ll have to figure out what is missing and add to it.  Thanks for your inputs!

    Doug Smith

    Discovering Doctrine does not assign specific readings but is a place for the student to record notes about what is read. It assumes ongoing reading through the Bible by whatever schedule you like. For example, you can find many read through the Bible in a year plans online.

    I don’t think you’re going to find anything that coordinates the entire OT because parts of it do not correspond with particular historical events. For example, where in time would you place something like Proverbs or Song of Solomon? Or what about the Psalms that are not about particular events?

    It’s easy enough to see where the gaps are in our history guides and assign those readings, if you’d like. You can find a Term at a Glance chart at the beginning of each term’s section that lays out the readings for that term.

    Honestly, though, combining both books and extra Bible readings in one year is going to be very heavy and rushed. We would recommend going at a slower pace to allow time to ruminate on the material.


    I had originally planned on using MFW.  I loved the premise and what they would learn.  I was finding, though, that the reading was a LOT for my ds.  He’s a good reader, but not strong or fast.  He was getting so bogged down and it became a read-to-check-it-off exercise.  They did recommend using some audios or other options, but there was still sooo much there.  I would rather he read a bit less and work w/ it to really know/understand it.  So, I’m using the 2 SCM guides and will be coordinating them a bit to utilize what I already have (like my map book vs buying another one).  (Using SCM as my guide.)  There are some book overlaps, and I can use a couple of the MFW books for reading.  

    As was mentioned, you could add in the other Bible readings.  It really wouldn’t be that much to do compared w/ changing/adding to other programs.  But, doing both guides and all the OT would be a lot. 



    We are completing this module as written in the next month. I would strongly discourage trying to do Module 1 and 2 Bible in a year. You will be flying through without time to ruminate and think on the information. I also view the study as Doug described – history from Biblical perspective. The other OT books don’t fit that mold. You could add in additional Bible study as you choose. My kids all have their own Bible study seperate from this history study. Just my 2 cents.



    It would be as simple as reading what is missing and having your children narrate…


    Yeah, I guess I will have to go through it and figure out what all is missing.  I agree with you all in doing more than one would be alot for elementary and early middle.  My kids are used to heavy course loads I think doing the 2 units will be light for them.  We are used to Veritas Press Omnibus and again my boys are older and read alot!   I wanted to lighten up though some and let them enjoy some before their college days.  🙂  Thanks for all your posts! 

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