SCM HIstory modules and British History?

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  • Joanne Downing

    Hi – I have used the 1st scm module – Ancient Egypt  in the past and having tried other things over the last year or so i am coming back full circle to CM.

    Being in the UK I want to give my boys (age 11 nd 12) a good grounding in British history (which they have not covered at all so far – i would also add they were pulled out of public school only 3 yrs ago and our homescool journey has been a real mish mash since then) but having looked at the scm modules (just the samples – i only purchased the first one)it SEEMS to be all world and then world and american (and rightly so as you are american!) but the british history is so rich and exciting I don’t want the boys to miss out on it all by only reading a couple or howard pyle books – maybe i am getting the wrong idea from the booklists?. Those of you who have done the modules could perhaps enlighten me if i am wrong?

    if it is as it seems – has anyone used the modules but made them more british orientated? if so how? I know Ambleside has an amazing book list but it always overwhelms me when i try to look at it where as i like the family approach and simplicity of the scm modules. I have given up on CM once and don’t want to give up again!

    Any help is appreciated. Blessings from the UK! 


    Mum to 3 boys (soon to be 4) 12, 11, 4


    Does any one have any suggestions?


    Hi Jo,

    You are right.  Being a Texan, I won’t be much help….except to say that if you look at the suggestions for books on the Charlotte Mason Help site, you might find titles that could/should be added to include more British history (4th, 5th, and 10th grade lists especially.)





    Well, I can understand AO looking overwhelming – but some of us are successfully doing it.  It would be possible to combine your 12 and 11 yo if they work well together, then do your 4yo seperate when he is old enough….

    That said, you could take some of the AO suggestions that fit into a module and add them in or substitute would be a better word, for some of the other books in the SCM module.

    At the least, I would HIGHLY recommend reading Our Island Story – it is great UK history!

    Mum In Zion

    Hello Jo,  We are Australians and have used the SCM Modules successfully. Whenever American History is listed I substitute Australian History in its place.  We have also added more British History as it is relevant to our Australian History.

    I have found Mater Amabilis helpful.  It is a Catholic Charlotte Mason style curriculum. They have many useful resources even if you are not Catholic.  There are options for Americans, British and Australians for several of the subjects, including History.  The ages of your children would put them in Level 3, but you could select whatever History you think would work best for them.

    There is also a good selection of British History books available at Heritage-History, particularly the Curriculum CD of the British Empire

    I hope something there will be helpful to you.

    Blessings, Michelle


    I would second looking at both the British Middle Ages and the British Empire Curriculum/Library CD’s from Heritage History. They have free access to all the books on their site – you can pre-read a few. I imagine that it really wouldn’t be that hard to use those books in place of the American history in the Modules.

    Joanne Downing

    Thank you every one for your replys.

    Mum in Zion – can you recall which modules you substituted on? I mean – did you just cover all of your own history in one module  or scatter it through al the modules?

    Thanks again

    Mum In Zion

    Hi Jo,  American History is really only covered in Module 5 (Early Modern) and Module 6 (Modern Times).  So I will do the same for Australian History.  We are working our way through Module 5 at the moment and do Australian History 2 days per week (just replacing the 2 days scheduled for American History).

    You could add more British History starting from Module 4 (Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation) but there is already alot scheduled.  Perhaps just add in extras specific to your area of England.  Are you members of the National Trust?  Castles, archaeological digs, museums all help to bring what you are reading to life.

    I would not try to cover all British History in one year.  Spread it out over 2 or 3 (Modules 5&6 or 4,5&6), taking time to cover history in the colonies as well as local UK history.

    Modules 5 & 6 also include Geography books selections for non-American families. This year we are focusing on Australian/Oceania geography, but next year when we use Module 6 we will use the scheduled book (WorldTrek by Russell and Carla Fisher).  You may want to do more local Geography as well, depending on what you have covered already.

    Blessings, Michelle

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