SCM History Module 5 – Geo Question

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Geography SCM History Module 5 – Geo Question

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  • memomo7

    I’ll admit I’ve been caught up in the excitement of the release of the updated SCM guides and the new geography notebooks (those sound great!)  Unfortunately we’ll be doing SCM Module 5 this coming school year…sniff, sniff.  So, what do I do about the geography part?  I’d really like a nice notebook like the Africa one.  Smile

    I guess I can take ideas from the Africa notebook and apply them to my own version for Module 5.  Any ideas/tips on how to make this come together?  Thanks! 


    I’d like to hear any ideas and tips too. We’re going to be doing Module 5 this year, too, and it’s our first ever year to use SCM!  My kids will be in 11th, 10th, 7th and 6th grades.

    Sonya Shafer

    The geography lesson plans in the current Module 5 book incorporate many of the same elements that we put in the new notebooks: map drills and a living geography book for the older students. The main differences would be that the notebook tells the students which countries to learn and in which order. Then it adds some intermittent close-ups on various countries, using the Menzel books and map study. You could look through the Menzel books to see which South American and Central American countries are covered; I believe Australia is in there too. And you can download the sample of the Africa notebook to see the instructions for doing a Make Your Own Map study of those countries. Add a few library books on some of the countries, and there you have it! Smile

    In the meantime, we’ll keep working on the other geography notebooks, and maybe we’ll have the one you need when you go to the Modern Times study. 


    Thank you, Sonya, for the helpful tips and info.  I guess I was just a bit jealous of those who are doing Africa and get to use those wonderful new notebooks.  Smile 


    We also are starting Mod. 5 in September; Before I start trying to create my own, is there any chance the Geography notebook for module 5 will be ready by then? 🙂

    Sonya Shafer

    If you mean September, 2013, nope. The other three Visits to geography notebooks are slotted for mid-2014. Sorry.

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