I wish I could relax like Robin:) I tried that my first year with AHYS I and got to the end of year feeling crammed to finish the guide! This year we completed AHYS II and III w/o much troubl(I want to start ancients next year w/my 7th grader). I ordered my books (mostly SCM, a few AO or TQ don’t miss). I figured out how many days I wanted to read history and how many days I wanted my kids to read independently. I then broke the books and commentary readings into daily segments and typed out a schedule for myself…day one reading, day two reading, etc. My kids have a running list of history readers and a schedule that tells them which book to grab next off the shelf (I keep the history readers in order on their shelf). Their list will say whether to read one or two ch. from ea. book. When I planned, I ended up w/a couple extra books that would probably have been too much to get in so I either dropped my least favorites, or added to their free reading baskets. I don’t worry about their readings lining up exactly w/mine or it would drive me crazy! But it lines up pretty closely:) I guess that would be an advantage of Robin’s way…the book readings would be at the same time as the commentary readings.
Also, if you tried to cover every single topic/commentary item w/a book it would take forever to finish a guide. For ‘minor’ topics I just read the commentary, or we may do a quick internet search or watch a movie to get a ‘feel’ for the info./times. So many books, so little time:) Blessings, Gina
I did check the files section, and I believe I saw suggestions for using each as a year-long plan, but not a guide for combining the two. Did I miss something?
As far as the tone of the guides, when I first looked at the samples, I was truthfully turned off by the tone – it’s not my writing style at all. BUT, since having been on the yahoo group and seeing Michelle’s intelligent, insightful, caring and very faithful responses to questions, I have a totally different take on it. I do believe it’s just a casual style of writing, but that it doesn’t mean there’s no substance. I have been truly impressed to see what’s gone into the guides and the faith behind it, and have been pretty well convinced that this is what we’ll be using next year, in some fashion, perhaps with a SCM guide to give us structure.
P.S. If you can afford it, I think it’s worth a try to buy the TQ guides and SCM guides ($40ish). The price of both combined is still about 1/2 of some other curriculums I’ve seen! Next year will be my first trying the SCM guides. If I end up tweaking history a lot, I still think $11 is worth it even if I only use the bible and/or geography aspect:)
I agree, sometimes a few books makes for a great curriculm. I have the SCM study guide and I use it with different curriculms. Ex. The Story of the World. ect… I have heard of TQ and really wanted to look into it. I have only heard good things about it. I may delve in myself and get that one also. I can take my favorites out and still use the SCM as a guide to keep me working through the whole thing. Just my $.02. 🙂
I am wondering if anyone can comment on the difference between TQH’s old version Eygpyt & Greece vs. their new version the call Beginnings. I’d like to use SCM Module 1 for next year to structure what we study when, but then use TQH to help me find supplemental books to read and help me present the 2 big worldview questions to my children. I can find the old versions priced reasonably, but no new version used at all. In the sample that is on the TQH page I loved the book list for additional reading. Is that still in the old version? Do you have any other thoughts about the difference between the two?
I have the old Egypt/Greee guide (haven’t used yet). I also just bought Beginnings. I was told that the info. on Egypt in the old guide and in the Beg. guide is basically the same. The difference is that in Beg., Egypt is woven in w/biblical history. Then the Greece guide is stand alone now. I also plan to use SCM’s guide next year and weave in TQ. Haven’t figured it out yet, though! Beginnings is a huge guide w/tons of commentary…it would probably take us 3 years to complete reading the whole OT plus all the commentary. I’m not sure if I want to just use it for bible time and pull out the Egypt parts for history time, or use SCM’s bible and just certain commentary from TQ plus some added book selections. Will know more soon, hopefully:) Blessings, Gina
Gina~ Thank you so much! That was very helpful. The SCM weaves the history with the Bibly right? So do you think I’d be okay with the old version of TQH since I’m only using it to supplement?
I’ve only looked indepthly at the SCM Egypt Guide and yes, bible and history are woven together. You’d be fine just using the old TQ guides…that’s probably what I’ll do. The only reason you’d need Beginnings is if you wanted to follow TQ’s bible commentary, but if you’re happy with SCM’s that wouldn’t be necessary. The Old TQ Egypt/Greece guide is 78 pages. TQ Beginnings is about 280….huge!!! That’s where my dilemma is….Beginnings looks great, but it’s a lot to fit in whereas the strictly history guides are very easy to just add on to something else. HTH some:) Gina
We used TQ Ancients when my older girls were in middle school. It was the best year of history we have every had. If you could figure out how to mesh TQ’s commentary with the SCM guides I could see if being a wonderful combination.
If anyone has actually done that comparison I would LOVE to see it!
Hidden Jewel…I was just thinking today that wouldn’t it be a wonderful thing if Sonya and Michelle could join forces? 🙂 On this board, people are often trying to figure out how to fit in TQ w/SCM. Within the TQ group, people are often asking about scheduling. Put the two together w/the work planned out and I think you have a curriculum many of us would love to have planned out for us:) Gina