SCM Family Study Handbooks

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  • MissusLeata

    I found a guide for Genesis – Dueteronomy at a consignment sale yesterday!!! I was amazed at how impressed I was with it. It is the older edition and I’m wondering if it would be worth it to buy the new one instead. My kids are all young and it looks so simple and not complicated to follow the guide — something that I need.

    So, how different is the new one? Does it have a 4 day plan?

    I got really ovewhelmed when I tried CM a couple of years ago with just a kindergartner. But I realize now that I tried to much and should have kept it really simple for him. This year we’ve done Classical Conversations and lots of living books, but I want to add more CM back in next year.  I’m getting excited about it! 🙂


    For Gen-Duet, the big difference will be two of the books.  The first edition is Oxford History (out of print so you would need to get it used), the second edition is Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors (published by SCM).  Also, for geography, the first edition uses Letters From Egypt (a little difficult for young kids), while the second edition schedules Visits to Africa. 

    If you wanted to use the new geography, but keep all the history books the same, that would be super easy to mark into your guide – no need to repurchase.  If you want to do Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors for history, I would just buy the new guide. 

    Either way, don’t miss Boy of the Pyramids! 🙂

    Jordan Smith

    If you want to do Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors for history, I would just buy the new guide. 

    You can still use Ancient Egypt and Her Neighbors with the older 2nd edition guide. We have a list of which lessons correspond to which chapters on this page:


    Does the new edition have a 4 day a week plan?


    No. All of the handbooks have 180 lessons. They aren’t broken down into weekly plans, but rather daily plans. We do use ours as a four day plan though. I pull the geography lessons out (36 lessons) leaving 144. Those 144/4 days a week = 36 weeks. Then I add the geography lessons to whatever day I pick. Essentially, I double up one day per week. It’s just easiest for me with the geography. Does that help?


    Yes, thank you. I’ve honestly never looked at a plan like this that I thought I could use, but I think this would work for us!


    Hi! Is there a similar comparison for Joshua through Malachi? I have the older version that uses Famous Men. Thanks!


    Thank you.


    and are all of these guides and studies written by Sonya? 

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