SCM curriculum: Then and Now Maps

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  • Amy Gerwe

    Hello! I am new to the forum. I am looking over the books I need for the SCM Genesis Through Deuteronomy and Ancient History curriculum. I noticed the supportive book “Then and Now Bible Maps” has a newer edition in 2021.  Would this throw us off if I used it instead of the 2007 edition? I realize page numbers may be different.  Curious if anyone has used the newer edition and had any major issues with it or the opposite, you really loved it. Thank you for your input!

    – Mom of 3

    Tamara Bell

    Hi Amy.

    We have not seen the 2021 update so are not certain if it will work well alongside our plans.  We are aware of a slightly older (than 2021) Deluxe Edition and have notes concerning it here (scroll to the bottom):

    Clara Tagoe

    I’m so glad someone asked, as I was wondering the same thing. (I reserved both in my Amazon cart).


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