SCM curriculum guide question

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  • Missy OH

    What does the (grammar review) next to Spelling Wisdom mean? How do you do this?


    I’m not an expert, but I take it to mean a review of the grammar/punctuation involved in the portion that the student is working on for the week.

    Missy OH

    Oooh. I like the idea. I hope someone who does this will chime in on how they go about doing it. Thanks.


    I do this with whatever our children are using for copywork/dictation.

    I might point out that a sentence begins with a capital letter….they’d need to know the difference between capital/lower case letters to be able to recognize the correct way to begin the first word…they’d also need to know how to notice mistakes when capital letters are used elsewhere incorrectly.

    Or, I might point out the end mark of the sentence. ., ?, !

    We may have a mini review of nouns (person, place, thing, idea.) Then, they’d point out the nouns in the piece.

    You might have them notice adverbs (“-ly words” for IEW users.)

    A goal we have from 4th grade on is to memorize a list of prepositions. This is not a CM type goal, but it’s helpful for grammar studies/usage.

    Comma use might be a lesson when there are at least three items in a series in the piece to be copied. Then, have them notice it and be careful to place those commas correctly.

    If dictation is going to be a part of the week’s goal, these types of punctuation discussions are very helpful. They also serve as reading instruction. Pausing at commas comes to mind.



    Missy OH

    Yes, thank you! It does help.

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