Hey all, I’m sure you are getting sick of me by now; but I really think I’ve stumbled on something that finally makes sense to me! How many of you out there use the SCM Curriculum guide and books as your basic curriculum and then add books, etc., just for supplement or fun? It looks extremely complete, gentle, Biblical (which I have had a hard time finding, astonishingly). Just curious how many of you use this as your curriculum of choice?
I just started Matthew Through Acts and Ancient Rome yesterday. I have TONS of books, but I just don’t know when to say when and I needed to pare down my ambitions. What I love about the SCM history guide books is the fact she hasn’t utilized so many books to become overwhelming. I love the idea that I can reliably cover bible, geography, and history without wearing myself out, but should I have more time I can pull other books from my library to add in. My husband and I are doing the Romans bible study as well. Our kids just listen in as we read and discuss.
I have done so many packaged things and have always been daunted by being “married” to one thing for 180 days. I feel very much at easy with SCM because it is just right in terms of not being too much or too little. I am happy that geography takes 10 minutes a week and that my bible memory box is the best thing since sliced bread! I see people with long, complete curriculums for things that really should be “bite size”. That is a recipe for burn out. I was burned out from trying to cover all these man-made bases.
Caroline ~ Thank you so much. I have started using the Organizer to simplify my packaged curriculum this year. It was just way too much for my little ones. We would be doing school 5 hours a day to complete everything, not my cup of tea. I have been pouring over this site; and I have just loved the simplicity, yet the completeness (is that a word?) and still have room for my own choices for my girls. Do you use the Organizer also; if so, any tips, hints or other things you use it for? What is the Bible Memory Box?
Hi Cindie – One of the ways that I’m planning to use the organizer is to keep track of things that I want to accomplish for myself – FACEBOOK time is NOT included – hahaha – for some reason I have no problem fitting that in. So for the new school year I’m scheduling my own chores so that I can check them off – it’s SO gratifying! Plus they’ll be right up on the screen to remind me and taunt me if I’m not doing them. Also, while my daughter is just five and not required to do anything yet for state mandates, next year we’ll be required to complete 1032 hours of schooling. So I’m planning on putting in lots of activities that I can check off that’ll be rather vague but give us a very complete log of what we’re working on. For example – Her math book is in the organizer already, but I’m going to add a resource called – “practical mathematics” and everytime I ask her to tell me what time it is or help me with measuring for a recipe or practice counting to one hundred I’m going to check off that we completed a lesson. I’m going to do the same thing with Language arts – and call it vocabulary building – then any day when she asks me what a word means, I’m going to check off that we did vocab. building. I would say that all of this is not necessary in states that don’t require a certain number of hours, but for the states that do – I think it’ll look impressive! (i’m married to an attorney so he’s super adamant that I go above and beyond the state requirements just in case).
I do use and love the organizer! Last year I plugged in a SL core–lots of work and I found trying to CM through that many books is daunting. I was quite relieved to use the curriculum guide here because all the books are already plugged in. Not only do I add in curriculum books but I also enter any chores, exercise dvds. and music lessons. There are already place holders entered for nature study and I add in print titles for picture study. It is so worth it. At the end of last year I printed off reports for all of my children to file away. It has been wonderful.
Rebekah ~ great ideas! While we live in a State that requires nothing (Texas), it might not always be like that. I like to have a record of it for myself and to be able to see what we’ve worked on too. I can even put a resource like her math puzzles, rods, mosaic blocks, etc.! Thanks for the ideas.
Caroline ~ I have the preschool cores at SL and that’s what I’ve done is put some of those books in with my expensive “miss” books that I like. I love that I’m able to put in the classical CDs I bought from SL a year ago that were collecting dust as well as the art books, so now they are scheduled! I love that memory box link! Wow! How old should a child be before she/he is expected to do scripture memory? Do you get the verses from your bible, theirs, or is there a link for verses also?
The SCM guide has memory box suggestions here. We do the memory box as a family with the littlest ones just following along. We all recite together and after a few days they all start to chime in more–we keep it very low key.
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