SCM Collaborative American History Project

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  • Doug Smith

    A heads up for everyone here, we’re in the process of announcing a collaborative project to create an American history book and we’re looking for writers. We just posted about it on the blog and we’ll be e-mailing our list shortly.


    Can you have it done by January?  That’s when I need it!  Smile

    i would love to be part of it, however the timing is not good for me. I’m expecting a baby any time now.

    If you find you still need writers later, after the other submissions are in, please let me know.



    Speaking of American History, we just started reading This Country of Ours by Henrietta Elizabeth Marshall, available as an e-text at Ambleside On-line.  My kids love it and beg me not to stop at the end of each chapter.  It’s worth checking out!  The only problem is that the stories end with WWI.


    This Country of Ours is in the bookfinder but I’m not sure if the one I found at abesbooks is the same.  Is there a difference if the cover has changed or do you think that’s just for “modern/updating the cover” purposes?

    It looks interesting but I don’t want to purchase the wrong version:)

    Doug Smith

    Nanci, This project is a bit of an experiment that we’re excited to try. If it works out well there may be other projects where we do collaborations.

    I’m sure it will be a great success. Many blessings on this project


    I think it’s wonderful you are willing to include us!



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