SCM approach to geography works!

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  • DawnB

    I just wanted to put a plug in for the SCM approach to memorizing geography. I’ve been using this approach with my son for about three weeks, although instead of drilling once a week, I had him do a 10 min. drill on Monday, and again Thursday or Friday. He really likes maps, always has, so he enjoys the challenge of this approach. I had him start with Australia/Oceania as he had studied this region earlier this school season. I chose 20 different items/features to be labeled. I printed out several blank outline maps, and he used an atlas to label the first map. After that he would use a new blank map each time, then refer back to his first map when he got “stuck” and couldn’t label any further by memory. Well, now he can pull out a blank map and dash off all 20 items in just a few minutes! Who knew it could be so simple? LOL! Well, Sonya knew. 🙂 I’m starting to feel that the only kind of curriculum I want is plain, straightforward stuff. The more bells and whistles it has, the less interested I am in using it.


    That’s great!! Isn’t it wonderful when God gives us that assurance so quickly after trying something new or different. Keep up the good work. 🙂



    What a wonderful testimony to CM and also the God given abilities He has not only given us but our children. I am so thankful for SCM and actually being able to see the fruits of my labor.

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