Welcome!!! I would just encourage you to keep things simple at that age. School can be done in a couple hours a day. If you’re schooling year round, you shouldn’t have trouble implementing a 4-day school week, especially at that age. I don’t know if you purchased the Ganz commentaries in Module 1, but I personally wouldn’t worry about them at that age. I started out using them w/my 4th and 7th graders and while the content was good and age appropriate, it was a lot of extra reading…reading the Bible was plenty for us(and I’d sometimes just skim the commentary and add some comments myself).
You can do some time-saving things like reading literature to her during breakfast or lunch, or saving for bedtime reading. Or playing composers during a meal time or car time. Or you could school 4 days and save all fun ‘extras’ for Friday ‘arts day.’ Hope something was helpful. I totally get how overwhelming it can be. But looking back I wish I would have relaxed more and just enjoyed reading/narrating good books and not worried so much about curriculum/schedules in subjects like history and science:) Blessings, Gina