Has anyone read Theras and His Town or A Triumph for Flavius in conjunction with SCM guides to Greece and Rome? I’m looking at the price (around 13.00 each) and wondering if they are worth the price (they seem to only be about 60-80 pages). We have begun Ancient History: Joshua-Malachi and Ancient Greece. My 7th grade daughter has not enjoyed Black Ships of Troy at all, and next year The Wanderings of Odysseus is scheduled. There seems to be some repetition of the greek myths included in the study guide. We’re reading aloud from Famous Men of Greece (which includes an overview of the trojan war and Odysseus’ travels) and also reading aloud Wonderbook by Nathaniel Hawthorne (great book!), so my daughter sees reading BSoT as repetitive. Has anyone else experienced this? I’m just thinking that perhaps I should substitiute a different book for her.